Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers Reviews

Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers is ranked in the 37th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
5 / 10
Jan 31, 2017

Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers eschews third-person action for turn-based strategy with mixed results.

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5.5 / 10.0
Feb 10, 2017

If you own a Vita and a PS4, and you absolutely must buy this game, get it on the more powerful console. The portable version doesn’t cut it, and even without the janky presentation, the game itself is bare bones as a strategy RPG. I have no doubt the Dynasty Warriors franchise would make a splendid SRPG, but this ain't it.

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5 / 10
Feb 2, 2017

Omega Force has decided to experiment here, though it’s an experiment that fails to live up to its full potential. Having sampled some of the genre’s top flight titles, Godseekers’ brand of turn-based strategy feels shallow by comparison. Still, there’s enough here for ardent fans of the franchise to wring some enjoyment out of. For something that feels truly new and innovative, all eyes now turn to Dynasty Warriors 9…

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7 / 10
Feb 20, 2017

Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers is a good choice if you are willing to enjoy an easy turn-based strategy game, and it shows how the series can match with many genres... but it has also a technical appearance that may work in PS3 and Vita, but it looks too simple for PS4.

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7.8 / 10.0
Feb 3, 2017

With Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers Omega Force has made an enjoyable shift to a turn based strategic formula, even if gamepay could have been much deeper.

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3.5 / 5.0
Jan 31, 2017

Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers is an unexpected game as it has been well over a decade since Dynasty Warriors tried venturing into the realm of tactics games.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jan 31, 2017

Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers manages to break its mould slightly with the introduction of a tactical RPG combat system and is ultimately strong enough to tide fans over until the next inevitable instalment.

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Jan 31, 2017

Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers may not be what you expect from Dynasty Warriors, but it's a competent strategy RPG that should at least satisfy fans of the franchise.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 31, 2017

Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers is a great attempt by developer Omega Force at merging classic Warriors style gameplay with SRPG mechanics. However, the game might be a bit too easy when compared to more hardcore tactics games like those found in the Fire Emblem series or Tactics Ogre: Let us Cling Together. Even so, Godseekers provides a great entry point for fans to be introduced to a new genre while keeping that over the top action gameplay. In the future, I hope to see Omega Force return to the SRPG genre with more entries in order to expand on this deep and intriguing universe — perhaps one starring Daqiao?

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5 / 10.0
Feb 10, 2017

After spending several hours playing this cheap looking knock-off, all I could think about was digging up my old copy of Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition (that's its real name) and playing some real Omega Force action. Not this misleadingly titled exercise in mediocrity.

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7 / 10.0
Jan 31, 2017

If you enjoy turn-based games, you may want to give Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers a look. A lengthy (if somewhat convoluted) campaign is extended with multiple side missions, and battles usually last for a decent amount of time. Creating new weapons can mix things up, and choosing item and skills loadouts on characters provides for some variety on the battlefield. However, after a dozen or so battles, the game’s lack of real strategic depth can be seen. Coupled with some less-than-stellar presentation, and disappointing ally AI, and Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers feels like a good idea that wasn’t executed to its fullest potential.

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6 / 10
Jan 31, 2017

Although it's not on the same level as other, more popular tactical titles, Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers is a fair attempt at a strategic spin-off. A lack of depth does hurt the release as bigger battles drag on, but there's fun to be had in gathering allies and creating unique teams of your favourite officers.

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7 / 10.0
Jan 31, 2017

Dynasty Warriors Godseekers manages to capture the spirit of the series with its tactical experience, but sadly fails to stand out from the competition and the classic games of the past due to the lack of any real innovation. Despite this, there's still plenty of fun to be had for fans of the Dynasty Warriors series and tactical RPG, as the experience is quite solid. Just don't expect to remember Zhao Yun's journey six months from now.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jan 31, 2017

This remarriage of Dynasty Warriors and tactical strategy is a pleasant one, but it has the potential to be something even better with a bit more depth and variety.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 17, 2017

Not the best but not the worst, either. It has its moments. It does a good job of translating the normal Dynasty Warriors hack-and-slash gameplay into a turn-based tactical game. But it's just not as exciting as the traditional formula of the series.

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Top Critic
5 / 10.0
Feb 20, 2017

Those who are used to the Dynasty Warriors franchise will at least be happy to see some of the characters that they love from the series, along with lots of nods and winks. But Omega Force's difficult position of needing to please both fans of the franchise, while also trying to bring in fans of a different kind of genre, has resulted in a muddling experience that may start out promising for turn-based newcomers, but quickly turns stale.

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76 / 100
Feb 14, 2017

Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers is an enjoyable break from the classic Dynasty Warriors series, evolving into a well managed tactics games with familiar faces and continues to instill that sense of power as your hero mows down hordes of enemies with a few strikes. While the gameplay is a fresh departure, it does little to add anything to the series as a whole.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Feb 9, 2017

Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers is a good game, which partly suffers from the same old problems of the series. Poor graphics and repetitive missions blends with interesting tactical mechanics. The imbalance can ruin the final experience, but it worth playing especially if you are a fan of tactical RPGs.

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Feb 1, 2017

Even though it's not as great as it could be and drags on, role-playing game fans will still find that Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers is well worth their time.

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3.5 / 5.0
Jan 31, 2017

If you can look past these issues though there is a lot of fun to be had in this strategy game. Despite having some wonky A.

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