Son of Scoregasm Reviews

Son of Scoregasm is ranked in the 51st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
3.5 / 5.0
Oct 21, 2017

Underwhelming visual style notwithstanding, Son of Scoregasm is a well-designed shooter tailored to players who have grown weary of the rut that the genre has worn into the road.

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8 / 10
Jan 23, 2018

Son of Scoregasm has the mechanics in place for some addictive high score attack gameplay.

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6 / 10
Dec 15, 2017

Son of Scoregasm is a challenging game that demands your complete attention. Less patient gamers may be turned off, but those looking for an experience that requires both skill and pattern recognition will appreciate what is present here.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Jan 11, 2018

While dying in the same place over and over gets frustrating after awhile, Son of Scoregasm does a great job pushing the player to try one more time. Bite-sized levels are so chaotic that it feels like each one was a major achievement, even if the next level is patiently waiting to show you what the real definition of difficult is. Any twin-stick fan would be remiss not to pick up Son of Scoregasm, as it's just a delightful entry to the Vita catalogue, through and through.

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Jan 16, 2018

Son of Scoregasm is a game a lot of players will certainly enjoy as it's a PS Vita release that stands out from the crowd with its fun gameplay mechanics and colorful visuals. The game is definitely worth a look on your Sony portable, so don't miss out on this gem! The trophy list is fairly easy, with one trophy being the challenging on since it asks that you beat the game in Expert Mode… so good luck with that one!

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8 / 10
Oct 17, 2017

Son of Scoregasm improves upon the original with an innovative risk vs. reward system that's perfect for short bursts of portable play.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jan 10, 2018

Son of Scoregasm, at it's best, is a great example of how to do a twin-stick shooter correctly. It has prioritised gameplay over graphics in order to deliver a silky smooth, fast, intense experience on the ageing PS Vita hardware. The game does come with a very steep difficulty hike though which could ultimately put people off, along with its one-hit death mechanic and unforgiving hordes of enemies.

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