Tangledeep Reviews

Tangledeep is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10
Feb 1, 2019

While its difficulty spikes can be a little tough at times (and the sheer amount of information presented quite overwhelming, especially to genre newcomers), it's impossible to not appreciate just how much has been crammed into Tangledeep's roguelike crevices. From taming monsters and turning them into pets to the ever-changing layout of its dungeons, this is a roguelike RPG for players who yearn for a return to SNES games of old. It's smart, deep and rewarding, but be warned: this is an adventure designed almost exclusively for seasoned players.

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9 / 10.0
Feb 13, 2019

I went into Tangledeep expecting to enjoy it and it didn't disappoint.  The game looks and sounds great, the gameplay mechanics aren't too difficult to learn, you can hang out in lower levels to grind a bit if need be, and the myriad of optional modifiers means you can tailor the difficulty to your liking.  If you're looking for a roguelike dungeon crawler to keep you entertained and possibly challenged depending on your settings, Tangledeep should have you covered.

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Jan 28, 2019

Tangledeep's attractive presentation belies its classic roguelike trappings, making for a compelling challenge in its new home on the Nintendo Switch.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 3, 2019

Some elements of these mystery dungeon-type games will always be inscrutable, but Tangledeep does the best job I've seen at making it playable for everyone. The Switch version might not be ideal thanks to the clumsy interface, but it's worth figuring it out because underneath the difficulty and few crusty layers lies a beautiful game with a ton of enjoyable RPG variety.

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Feb 20, 2019

Once you get over the initial hump with Tangledeep, you’re looking at a game that you can play over the long term. If nothing else, it’s lovely to know that there are some developers out there that understand what Rogue when creating their “roguelikes.”

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Feb 12, 2019

If you're looking for the next great Mystery Dungeon game then Tangledeep will definitely fill the void.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jan 31, 2019

On top of the core game itself, where you’ll explore, loot, and try to stay alive there are also multiple types of dungeon challenges, pets, daily challenges, and more so if you’re into the core experience you’ll be able to get some serious miles out of it...

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Jenae R
May 24, 2019

Overall, I found both Tangledeep and its expansion to be fun and very charming experiences, albeit challenging. If you haven’t played before, I suggest giving it a try as long as you’re an experienced RPG fan and want a difficult challenge. But if you’re like me and you don’t PC game, the Legend of Shara DLC is supposed to eventually come to Nintendo Switch as well.

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Feb 19, 2019

Tangledeep is a game that drips not only with 16-bit nostalgia, but also a myriad of complex and interwoven game elements that offer hours and hours of replayability. All that would be moot, of course, if the core combat and exploration mechanics weren't so enjoyable. Thankfully, Impact Gameworks has created just the right balance of story, difficulty, strategy, consequence, and progression to keep players coming back, even after sinking multiple hours into each character. Tangledeep is without a doubt one of, if not THE best roguelikes to currently grace the Nintendo Switch.

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Feb 24, 2019

For fans of old-school roguelikes, a lot is to be enjoyed in Tangledeep. For those who enjoy tinkering with skills, weapons, passives, and feats, the expansive menus and options also offer a great deal of depth to be explored. However, this depth comes with the price of making the experience somewhat unintuitive, which is exacerbated by the clunky movement system. Players will find a lot to enjoy in Tangledeep if they have the patience to explore its complex systems to discover what lies beneath the surface.

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80 / 100
Feb 20, 2018

A solid, refined rogue-like with lovely pixel graphics, great level design, loot and characters. Evolutionary instead of revolutionary; if you still have an urge to kill things in dungeons one square at at time this is a pleasant way to go about satisfying it.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 13, 2019

Overall Tangledeep was a lot of fun and short of the movement scheme, very well designed. Adding in a bit of accessibility into something as unforgiving as a Roguelike made for a familiar yet new experience that takes some of the stress away from the front end of the experience while in another way never removing it at all as the sharp fangs are simply better hidden.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 19, 2019

With a new take on turn based combat, Tangledeep makes old feel new again. What I can only describe as Superhot in Final Fantasy, Tangledeep is one to download sooner rather than later. Be warned, the loot and inventory are not as robust or rewarding as Diablo.

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