Unforeseen Incidents Reviews

Unforeseen Incidents is ranked in the 79th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
70 / 100
May 29, 2018

Unforeseen Incidents has its charms. It looks great, and some of the puzzles are genuine fun. And even though Harper is irritating, he's well-intentioned and a fairly good protagonist. The most serious issue for me is the loading time between screens and how slowly Harper walks.

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May 25, 2018

I honestly can't remember the last time I've enjoyed a long-form point-and-click adventure this much. It reminds me why I love the genre so much.

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85 / 100
May 24, 2018

Unforeseen Incidents is fun romp with an interesting plot that will draw you in and enjoyable characters to go around. If you're a fan of traditional adventure games, and are looking for a fun experience, Unforeseen Incidents will be fun game for you to explore while uncovering the secrets hidden within Yelltown.

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88 / 100
Jun 22, 2018

Overall, Unforeseen Incidents occasionally stumbles in its accessibility through bugs or difficulty, but its story, humor, and art make it a great time piecing together clues in the world that Backwoods Entertainment has created. It might not have reinvented the genre, but given the opportunity, I'd grab a beer with Harper in this game or—we can hope—the next.

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Jan 31, 2022

Overall, Unforeseen Incidents is an impressive traditional adventure game that feels right at home on the Switch. Those who already own the title on PC won't be missing anything if they ignore this release, but for Switch users who missed the title's launch in 2018 this is a good chance to pick it up.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 12, 2018

Unforeseen Incidents is a smart, well-written adventure game that keeps you hooked from start to finish.

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8 / 10
Jun 12, 2018

A delightful point-and-click which avoids well-worn conspiracy tropes thanks to a talented cast and great writing.

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8.8 / 10.0
Nov 2, 2017

Unforeseen Incidents checks all the boxes for what constitutes a great point and click adventure game. Solid characters, a good story, good puzzles that are balanced, and an impressive presentation thanks to well-drawn art/animations and a good aural package.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 24, 2022

Unforeseen Incidents is a great-looking title that provides tremendous detail in the graphics and great voice acting. Some gameplay aspects could be improved but all things considered, it is a good point-and-click game.

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3.8 / 5.0
Jan 28, 2022

If you are a fan of classic point-and-click adventure games (like I am) then you will love playing Unforeseen Incidents. It does a great job of balancing the storyline and the puzzles, has a great sense of light-hearted humor and fully immerses you into the game.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 10, 2018

Surprisingly good point & click adventure game with decent story and simple yet delicious gameplay.

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81 / 100
May 24, 2018

Unforeseen Incidents presents a delightfully captivating conspiracy with wonderful characters and perfect pacing. Its puzzles succeed because they are rational and connected with the story. The icing on the cake is the pleasant and striking visual style.

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Adam Riley
Top Critic
8 / 10
Jul 2, 2018

Unforeseen Incidents is a complete breath of fresh air in what is fast becoming an over-crowded genre once more, standing head and shoulders above many other point-and-click adventures available. With its perfect mix of macabre and comical scripting, as well as the highly engaging puzzles and entertaining fetch quests it throws the player's way, the hours really do fly by despite this being one of the longer journeys on the market right now.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 27, 2022

With the classic point-and-click adventure genre in full-on renaissance mode and a preponderance of options available to fans on the Switch it’s getting tougher to separate the merely average titles from the good to great ones...

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Jan 27, 2022

Unforeseen Incidents is a narrative-focused point-and-click adventure. Throughout my adventures, I learned about the Yelltown Fever, a viral disease that is rampantly spreading throughout the world. I was especially interested in this title after getting captivated by suspenseful scenes in the trailer. Moreover, I hoped it would shed some commentary on current world affairs. Did my journey meet my expectations? Find out in this Rapid Review.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 9, 2022

Unforseen Incidents shines in a category of games that evolution of technology has made us forget.

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8 / 10
Feb 1, 2022

Featuring a well crafted, mystery fuelled plot informed by an intriguing cast of characters, Unforeseen Incidents is a distinctive and engrossing point and click adventure. You can tell a lot of work has gone in to making the Nintendo Switch version of this title and it pays off in a fluid, accessible experience. A few foibles here and there are the only blemishes on an otherwise very enjoyable game.

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Jan 31, 2022

Unfortunate Incidents is a nice point-and-click title for those who don’t mind a slow burn. I can see this appealing to those who are itching for a mystery and want to try something a little different from bigger mystery games. It’s interactive and interesting, though the pacing plot and music could be better. It wasn’t quite my cup of tea.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 27, 2022

Unforeseen Incidents kept me hooked in until the very end, with the engaging narrative, quirky presentation, and enjoyable puzzles ticking all boxes of what a point-and-click adventure should offer. It all runs nicely on the Nintendo Switch too, with the visuals looking sharp, the controls accessible, and no real technical issues encountered during my eight-hour playthrough. It’s just a finely crafted point-and-click adventure and one that I’d certainly recommend to all fans of the genre, even IF you might be a little bit fed up of deadly diseases in 2022.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 27, 2022

I’ll be honest and admit that I wasn’t expecting much more than your typical run-of-the-mill point-and-click adventure, but it turned out to be much deeper than I was expecting. The plot was engaging all the way through, the characters were flawed yet likeable, the art design is far more beautiful than it initially appears, and the vocal performances sell each character. It might have a few flaws, but those are minor when compared to everything else the game does really well.

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