Timespinner Reviews

Timespinner is ranked in the 79th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
70 / 100
Oct 9, 2018

The pixel-art is faultless and the gameplay is pleasingly reminiscent of the classics, but Timespinner doesn't offer much that feels new.

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7.8 / 10.0
Sep 28, 2018

Though the map is too constrained at first, Timespinner's characters, traversal, and avenues for exploration make it worth checking out

7 / 10.0
Oct 15, 2018
Timespinner - Easy Allies Review video thumbnail
8 / 10
Jun 4, 2019

Gorgeous to behold and equally delightful to play, Timespinner is yet another top-notch Metroidvania on Switch. A lack of tough exploration challenges and an under-utilised time-freeze gimmick aside, it succeeds in using the popular genre as a vehicle for a genuinely intriguing science-fantasy tale that will motivate players to explore every inch of its fantastic pixel-art world.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 21, 2018

Even though Timespinner set out to imitate SOTN, it managed to find its own identity during its long development. It's not quite as deep as its inspiration and it won't take as long to finish, but I thoroughly enjoyed every minute I was playing.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 21, 2018

All those years of effort paid off in the creation of an excellent entry in the metroidvania canon, and I hope it pays off in the form of a successful game as well. Timespinner exudes an aura of, "so much effort went into this, dang!" And making my way through it was a joy, both in terms of the look and feel of the world, the inherent appeal of filling in that map, and of course the smoothness and responsiveness of the combat.

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8 / 10
Sep 24, 2018

Aside from a few mishaps in dialogue, Timespinner distinguishes itself with an absorbing story with interesting underlying themes. It stands out with a refreshing time travelling spin on combat that reflects the diversity of the level designs. Exploration, sans the tiny map, is enjoyable, with the past and present boasting unique music and mechanics to keep things fresh. Overall, this solid adventure is a great use of your time.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Sep 27, 2018

Timespinner looks great, plays great, and feels like what a modern take on Metrovania should be, spiced up with some time manipulation mechanics that feel a bit underutilized in the grand scheme of things.

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8 / 10
Oct 3, 2019

Timespinner may not be the most phenomenal Metroidvania-type game ever made but a game doesn't need to carry an encyclopedic amount of content to stand out. Timespinner knows how to draw the player's attention with the right classic inspirations and a fun combat system, as well as with an interesting plot that never feels too heavy or forced. A work that has more than earned its right to the players' dedication.

Review in Portuguese |

8 / 10.0
Jun 28, 2019

Timespinner is a wonderfully accessible and inclusive Metroidvania that does justice to the genre despite some missed opportunities and brief run time.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 1, 2018

The shortcomings of Timespinner revolve heavily around the fact that the game is so short. It creates beautiful environments and combat systems, but by the time we've gotten into a solid groove the game is already over.

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7 / 10
Oct 1, 2018

At first, Timespinner feels like a splendid new contender in the Metroidvania genre. It has some trong visuals and music, combat feels good, it offers maps we definitely want to explore and its story and characters are great. But this game feels a bit too easy, should have pushed the time manipulation idea and lacks epicness in its boss fights, among other things.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 5, 2018

Timespinner is a fantastic example of an excellent Metroidvania that mixes great character upgrades, a fun and diverse overworld, and a beautiful 16-bit look. The story not only combines the personal tragedy of a chosen one but adds grey to what's normally a black and white debate.

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7 / 10
Oct 17, 2018

Displaying a mish-mash of influences, Timespinner's action and controls make up for its occasionally bland time travel story and game features, both of which could have done with a bit more polish. ‍

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9 / 10.0
Sep 28, 2018

Beautifully trim, transcendently polished, and unexpectedly inclusive, Timespinner is among the most capable endeavours to spring from Castlevania's picked-over carcass.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jun 4, 2019

undefined.Timespinner is a highly enjoyable Metroidvania that plays wonderfully on Switch. While it'd be even better if the time travelling theme felt more integral to the gameplay, the game gets so much else right, ranging from the exploration to the dynamite soundtrack. It's highly reminiscent of its Castlevania inspirations, but through an engaging story and diverse abilities, Timespinner weaves its own path through the annals of Metroid-inspired video games.

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9 / 10
Oct 15, 2018

In the end, Lunar Ray Games didn't reinvent the genre with Timespinner, but they've done a truly enjoyable game that's likable from start to finish. If you're a fan of retro metroidvania, you'll enjoy it even more for its incredible art style and soundtrack. If it wasn't for the amazing Guacamelee! 2 that came out not too long ago, this would've been the best Metroidvania I've played this year!

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PSX Brasil
Top Critic
90 / 100
Oct 3, 2018

Even if the power of time is not so well used, Timespinner stands out for its story and the amount of things that it's possible to do. Bringing all the best that the Metroidvania style has to offer, it becomes one of those games you'll love playing twice: first to enjoy it, and then once again to earn the trophies.

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Oct 4, 2018

Do you think you will pick up this exploration platformer, or do you think they're games out of time? Let us know in the comments, or on Twitter, and check back for more coverage of games like this and other Japanese games.

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Jul 14, 2019

If you enjoy Metroidvania games then you'll love what Timespinner has to offer with its addictive exploration and combat.

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