Heavy Fire: Red Shadow Reviews

Heavy Fire: Red Shadow is ranked in the 2nd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
50 / 100
Jul 1, 2019

A poor shooting game (VR compatible) set in a war between North Korea and United States. Sadly, it feels like an old arcade, repetitive and short.

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2.5 / 5.0
Oct 20, 2018

The experience of playing this title is one of roller coaster highs and lows.

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4 / 10.0
Oct 25, 2018

Heavy Fire: Red Shadow had the potential to give gamers an updated version of Beach Head 2002 from the heyday of arcades. Unfortunately, an incredibly short campaign, terrible graphics, and a lack of any real challenge all coalesce into an altogether underwhelming product. The $9.99 premium VR mode is so minimal in execution, that even that isn't recommended. If you absolutely love arcade, wave-based shooters, it's probably still best to wait until Heavy Fire: Red Shadow is on a fire sale before plopping down the cash.

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30 / 100
Nov 5, 2018

Honestly, the nicest thing I can say about Heavy Fire: Red Shadow is that it's over in two hours. It is at least technically playable with some interesting mechanics. But even if you are specifically looking for a wave-based, arcade-style turret game, I'd still stay away. This game offers little of value and is fun only if I stretch that word beyond its absolute limit.

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55 / 100
Nov 7, 2018

All in all, Heavy Fire: Red Shadow is a game that is easy to overlook and doesn’t really give you much reason not to. There’s fun to be had and it’s an easy way to waste a half hour, but that’s really all you’ll be doing.

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6 / 10.0
Dec 15, 2016

In the end, Heavy Fire: Red Shadow definitely harkens back to a time period where point/shoot had a different meaning in an arcade experience than it does now. The game maintains a nostalgic design, which certainly makes sense for the experience, but the experience's longevity will be questioned depending on player expectations. This goes back to what you understand about a game's intentions. If you know going into it that you're going to get an arcade shooter, then you may not be disappointed. If you're expecting a deeper experience than just point/shoot, then you may not find it here.

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2 / 10.0
Feb 1, 2019

There's a certain audience that'll find Heavy Fire: Red Shadow to be a decent game. For those people, the turret sequences in other shooters must be their favorite part of the game. For everyone else, including fans of the series, Red Shadow is an utter disappointment. From a regression in gameplay to overly long stages and terrible presentation, there's nothing to recommend here, even if you just want to Trophy hunt. Unless you absolutely need to have every game in the console's library, stay as far away from this as possible.

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Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
Oct 22, 2018

Heavy Fire: Red Shadow is a nice "first person action arcade" with fun gameplay elements like entertaining turret control, variable orders for air attack and back-up, nice visual effects (as a VR game) and beautiful music that can entertain you for some hours. But In the other hand, many of these good aspects, damaged by some technical issues and most importantly by "repeat" factor after some hours of playing. If you want to experience full potential of Heavy Fire: Red Shadow, you must play it with VR. In fact experiencing Heavy Fire: Red Shadow with VR is so much more entertaining than playing the game without VR. Finally i must say that If you like first person action arcade games or you want an entertaining action VR game, Heavy Fire: Red Shadow could be nice choice for you.

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30 / 100
Nov 10, 2018

Created with a simple purpose, yet still executed, Heavy Fire: Red Shadow does not offer much of an interest. Shallow campaign, simplified gameplay and lack of content are some of the downsides that the game presents, and it is a difficult experience to recommend.

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Oct 29, 2018

Heavy Fire: Red Shadow is such a disappointing game that even if you were a fan of the previous games in the series, you likely won't find anything to enjoy within this bare-bones sequel.

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4.5 / 10.0
Nov 9, 2018

Heavy Fire: Red Shadow may offer players plenty of power to mow through the wave based combat but between a lack of variety and a multitude of glitches this is one that is only for those looking for a simplistic shooter that might be fun in short bursts but little more than that.

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Nov 22, 2018

The whole Heavy Fire: Red Shadow experience feels like it should be on VR, and that may well be the best way to get anything out of this turret shooter. The price is too high as well – at least for anyone to take a punt on – and even though it does nothing wrong and all appears to work fine, it does become very repetitive quite quickly

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3 / 10.0
Oct 16, 2018

Mastiff’s attempt at designing an interesting and engaging rail shooter falls flat on Xbox One. It could be different elsewhere, especially in VR, but as a regular ‘ol console shooter it is one of the most uninspired this generation. There is a little fun to be had, but only a little, and it fails to grab you every step of the way through the entirety of its missions.

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1.8 / 5.0
Oct 22, 2018

If it appears on Game Pass or Gold, it might entertain you for an evening, but at full price, it’s hard to recommend to all but the thirstiest of achievement hunters.

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5 / 10
Oct 22, 2018

It does become incredibly stale well before the credits roll but Heavy Fire: Red Shadow is “take your brain out and just shoot” dumb fun. For those moments after a bad day at work, when you just want to pop some melons, sink some ships and blow up a Jeep or 2, Heavy Fire: Red Shadow offers that catharsis but very little else.

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6 / 10.0
Oct 18, 2018

Heavy Fire: Red Shadow is a very simple arcade shooter which anyone can pick up and play. The whole campaign can be completed in one sitting, as you work your way through four various locations to unlock new abilities which make you god-like. The endless mode will provide a bit of extra enjoyment as you compete for the top spot on the leaderboards, whilst utilising all of your previously acquired abilities. Unfortunately, After putting in about 4-5 hours into the game, I don’t see myself coming back to the game that often. I felt I’ve seen everything there is to see and reached the peak of what it has to offer.

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