Cities: Skylines - Industries Reviews

Cities: Skylines - Industries is ranked in the 63rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
7 / 10
Nov 6, 2018

Create smokestacks and jobs in Industries, the detailed new expansion for Cities: Skylines that lets you put natural resources to good use.

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Oct 24, 2018

Though I've got a fair few criticisms, Industries feels like a worthwhile addition to Cities: Skylines, taking a long overlooked side of the game's city building and adding a lot more depth and nuance.

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Jul 5, 2019

Ultimately, this pack can make a player's city look the part of a modern capital trying to tread a difficult ethical line between industry and eco-friendly practices; it's just a shame that there isn't more of a progression and reward incentive for all players to properly interact with it.

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Oct 24, 2018

Industries isn't the total economic overhaul it could have been, but it still brings plenty of fresh content to Cities: Skylines.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2018

Industries brings more depth to an already deep game. Cities Skylines is becoming the de-facto strategy game and we love it.

8.5 / 10.0
Oct 24, 2018

Running meaningful industries in your city is like playing a game within a game. Suddenly feeling like an entire county builder, it's safe to say that the unstoppable force of Cities: Skylines just got a whole lot bigger.

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8 / 10
Nov 12, 2018

Ultimately, Industries is a solid, but subtle addition to Cities: Skylines. It is a great choice for anyone looking to freshen up their now three-and-a-half-year-old game, and at the same time keeps itself understated enough where it is not a requirement for your enjoyment. This feels like a DLC package aimed at those long-term fans who have stuck with the title from the beginning, and it does help to make the experience that much more “yours”, so to speak. If you have been playing this game for a while and have already picked up the shinier DLC packages, then Industries is very much for you.

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