Paradox Soul Reviews

Paradox Soul is ranked in the 51st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10
Jul 13, 2019

On its own, Paradox Soul is an average Metroidvania that will keep you reasonably entertained throughout its fairly short duration thanks to its creepy art direction and atmospheric soundtrack. But when you look at it next to some of the more accomplished examples of the genre on Switch, its repetitive nature and uninspired cover-shooting mechanics hold it back from being truly recommendable.

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George Kruger III
Top Critic
80 / 100
Jul 31, 2019

Overall Paradox Soul delivers on what it intends on being, a competent Metroidvania with an interesting atmosphere and a bit of intrigue. I do wish the game was a bit more expansive in scope, but all the other pieces are there from the artwork down to the music. If you've got a few hours to kill I'd suggest picking it up.

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9 / 10.0
Aug 19, 2019

Paradox Soul is a Metroidvania that manages to keep the spirit of the genre despite being smaller in scope. Mix in some decent collectibles and combat scenarios, this is a great title any fan of the genre should try.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
Apr 11, 2020

Paradox Soul is a fine experience that retells a typical story centred around an empty facility, with dead scientists and killer robots. There's nothing original here, however the controls are tight and Dr. Rose plays well. For those looking to kill a few hours on a short metroidvania title, then Paradox Soul is one title worth checking out. While it's not as engaging as others in the genre, nor does it offer any new interesting innovations, it's still one worth adding to the list for short-lived titles to smash out over a weekend, or to knock out another easy platinum to add to the digital trophy cabinet.

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6.2 / 10.0
Jul 5, 2019

Among the genres with no lack of stellar representation on the Switch, Metroidvanias are pretty high on the list...

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 26, 2019

Paradox Souls is a rarity. It's a game published by Ratalaika that is actually good. It plays nice, features plenty of mechanics. It's like a cheap version of Shadow Comples.

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4.3 / 10.0
Aug 1, 2019

Paradox Soul is an excellent metroidvania for gamers who want a quick and easy trophy-grabber

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