Urban Trial Tricky Reviews

Urban Trial Tricky is ranked in the 37th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10
Jun 29, 2020

With easy to pick up and play action that looks great on Switch, Urban Trial Tricky is a nice and stylish bike trick game with just enough variety in level design to keep things interesting.

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6 / 10
Jul 4, 2020

Urban Trial Tricky mashes together elements of the Trials series, Tony Hawks and Joe Danger resulting in a fairly decent motorbike stunt experience that's fun when you're speeding around and pulling off ridiculous tricks, but is let down by some shoddy level design and an overall lack of finesse. If there was more space to manoeuvre and environmental obstacles and general placement of objects had been more carefully considered, this could have been an absolute blast. As it stands, it's a fairly decent time in short bursts that slides into infuriation a little too often to heartily recommend.

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75 / 100
Jun 29, 2020

Urban Trial Tricky is a biking game where your goal is to perform tricks and earn points. With a fair amount of cool and quirky tricks you can perform, this game will make you grin. It gets repetitive, so it's best enjoyed in short bursts, but even so, you'll only get a handful of hours out of it.

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6 / 10
Jul 22, 2021

If you're looking for a proper Trials-like experience, look elsewhere. The focus on tricks and combos takes some getting used to, and is likely not even targeted at the same audience. This is a ride that will end far too abruptly, and lacks a majority of the variety associated with the genre.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 16, 2020

Urban Trial Tricky is a fun casual game. Some tricks and combos can be tricky to master, but they're exciting to pull off. There are plenty of short and sweet levels to keep you entertained. It's not perfect, but it's fun for short bursts and will appeal to those who chase high scores.

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Digitally Downloaded
Harvard L.
Top Critic
Jul 13, 2020

What is available here is a fun game, and I certainly didn’t hate the time I spent with it. But it could also have been so much more.

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7.7 / 10.0
Jun 26, 2020

Urban Trial Tricky takes the gameplay of its predecessors and adapts it wonderfully to a trick-oriented formula. If you're the kind of gamer who enjoys trying to perfect their score as you perform all sorts of cool tricks then I recommend checking it out.

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6.7 / 10.0
Jun 25, 2020

Stunt games such as these are always a bit of a challenge to review since I think expectations of how they should play will vary greatly from person to person...

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7.5 / 10.0
Aug 2, 2021

Urban Trial Tricky: Deluxe Edition is the typical arcade game that is fun for its purpose and manages to entertain in the first hours, but it is a sin not to have other game modes that include more than one participant. This considerably lowers its replay factor, which is a pity for its light, no-obligation fun proposition.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 31, 2021

I would argue that Urban Trial Tricky is one of the simpler, yet more fun games that I’ve played in recent memory. It’s got a straightforward formula that works well and has a nice visual sheen. While it won’t be graphically stunning, the gameplay more than makes up for it. Overall, it’s quite one-note, but in a way that’s serviceable, fun, and unoffensive.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 23, 2021

In short, even though Urban Trial Tricky was clearly meant to be enjoyed on a portable, I won’t deny I had quite a bit of fun playing it on an Xbox. Even if I don’t have access to the novelty of portability, I was more than satisfied with its improved performance and faster loading times. The game as a whole is a bit rough around the edges, but its presentation is strong and its gameplay, despite a bit janky at times, is simple to learn and fun to mess around with.

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Jul 22, 2021

I enjoyed what Tate Multimedia did with Steel Rats in a motorcycle platformer, but the Urban Trials series has really landed for me in Urban Trial Tricky Deluxe Edition. From pursuing every challenge, to the high score hunting, and besting every time, there’s something for everyone and a means to achieve it. Whether you’ve got fifteen minutes or a couple of hours, the game fits in either direction to satisfy and make progress. Urban Trial Tricky Deluxe Edition is great for any age, and a casual experience to get started with expert nuance in the later levels that really defines the experience.

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Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Jun 29, 2020

Polish studio Tate Multimedia has recently achieved a lot of success – company reactivated Kao the Kangaroo and created a great Steel Rats. They also sold a lot of copies of its Urban Trial series. Their last game called Urban Trial Tricky is a good game, but its lack of more variety. It would be a great idea to add multiplayer or co-op mode.

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7 / 10
Jun 23, 2020

Whilst not the deepest or most realistic of Trials-like games, it makes up for it with silliness and charm.

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