El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron Reviews
A basic port of a cult classic action adventure that's still as visually stunning as ever, but also retains repetitive combat that makes exploration a real chore at times.
El Shaddai feels genuinely more creative and interesting than a lot of the titles it would consider bedfellows today. It shares a place with the likes of ICO, Nier, and Panzer Dragoon in its arcane design and historically inspired symbolism. Elsewhere, it borrows from the likes of Okami and Mizuguchi's Rez for its abstract, acid-trip beauty. It's true that the combat can become routine, the platforming occasionally frustrate, and some of the boss encounters appear slightly samey, but it runs smoothly and assuredly across 11 visually astounding stages. El Shaddai, more than anything else, is a game of moments, and a lot of them. It's certainly one of the most intriguing titles in the action-adventure, hack-and-slash genre, and deserves the attention this time around that it never achieved on its original release.
Overall, this is the same game from 2011 that felt very dated and awkward but is now available on the Switch. The narrative premise is also delivered in a way that makes very little sense and is visually pretentious, to the point of being overly jarring. If you really want to play a stylish action game with a fixed camera and Biblical narrative influences, then just pick up the original Devil May Cry, it plays a lot better.
It's not a game for everyone, but it's one that we'll never get tired of recommending. If El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron HD Remaster manages to "click" for you, you'll never be able to forget this biblical hack and slash.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
I can't imagine anybody was clamouring for it, but I'm still happy El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron was ported to PC. It's a shame when games are lost to time, and even though this one has some clunky combat and repetitive gameplay, it's still one of the most artistically inventive and stunningly original games of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 era.
A decade later and El Shaddai still has some of the best art design in the business, even if its shallow but enjoyable combat can't match it for variety or imagination.
El Shaddai is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. If you never had a chance to check it out, it is now available on Switch and PC, or you can dig up a copy on 360 or PS3, but the main point is, you should play it. It just oozes creativity and some of the best art design in a game. I was excited for each new area, the combat, while repetitive, is fun, and it has a story that remains interesting throughout. Find a way to play this game, it is more than worth the price of admission.
If you like weird games, play El Shaddai. If you like games with incredibly creative visuals and great music, play El Shaddai. If you like games where half-naked men beat the crap out of each other for very poorly explained reasons, play El Shaddai. The only reasons you should skip this title are if you hate platforming or you need the plots of your games to actually make sense.
I want to love El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron, but the HD Remaster on Switch is not the place to do so. It runs so poorly you can't even navigate menus properly. Even besides those problems, the action and platforming are incredibly bland and the story is nigh incomprehensible, even as someone who loves artsy titles.The visuals are drop dead gorgeous and the voice acting is good, but that's not enough to carry a game.
The bare minimum was done to port El Shaddai: Ascesion of the Metatron over to PC, but 10 years later it's still an incredible journey.
If you missed it back in 2011, El Shaddai ASCENSION OF THE METATRON HD Remaster is a second chance to experience a MUST PLAY in gaming.
Presenting El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron to a new audience and preserving it for future generations is a great thing, especially considering its cult status. Whether that audience will enjoy it is another matter entirely.
Embody the wrath of Heaven and bind the fallen angels as you experience cult classic El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron for the first time on PC! Help Enoch on his quest to save humanity and bask in some glorious visuals - even by today's standards.
Playing El Shaddai portably feels right. The combat system is easy to get into and not having to deal with any camera system makes this game feel very accessible for action game newcomers. El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron HD Remaster is an audio and visual tour de force that you never forget. It makes sense why it was brought back after all these years.
The fact that El Shaddai has been remembered as a cult classic (albeit with a fleetingly small cult) that has never been replicated, while its immediate peer from a decade ago has been relegated to the deep collective memory of “content that was kind of fun, I guess, but I have new toys to play with” highlights which of the two we, as a collective, should be trying harder to encourage more of. We need to stop acting like “complexity” (i.e. some abstract ideas and the occasional metaphor) is an inherent flaw.
If you come in looking for an exciting third-person action title, you'll find a passable game here. If you're just into vaguely Biblical video game fan fictions and want something with slightly less "dude bro" energy than Dante's Inferno or Darksiders, this is probably up your alley. But if you just want a bizarre fever dream to show off the incredibly beautiful yet abstractly unsettling worlds a video game can create, El Shaddai is absolutely your game.
After 10 years it is still fresh-looking third-person action adventure and platformer.
Review in Slovak | Read full review
El Shaddai ASCENSION OF THE METATRON HD Remaster is an artistically inspired platformer and it deserves its status as a classic. Alternating between 2D and 3D stages and playing with the gamer's perspective with its aesthetic efects, this work is a great addition to the Switch.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
Calling El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron “weird” doesn’t give it nearly enough credit. I think it was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, because the rise of indie games and uniquely told video game experiences has made titles like this a lot more common. We have an expectation for linear experiences, but El Shaddai’s take on action games still makes it stand out. While I wish combat could have more bells and whistles to it, I appreciate how easy it is for most people to jump into. I struggled to decide if I was sad to see its combat not evolve meaningfully after the three weapons are established, but I equally appreciate it locking in its core mechanics so early. This is something you experience, and while the performance issues take away from that I don’t think they hamper it too much. And who knows, they could even get addressed in a patch. This feels like a definitive title in the seventh console generation and is definitely worth a play if you want to experience a bit of gaming history.
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron HD Remaster is a game from the past that was appreciated for its stylistic approach and somewhat original gameplay. However, it should be considered a port for the Switch rather than a true remaster. Technically mediocre, with notable FPS drops even in docked mode, the Switch isn't the best console for it. Still, it allows fans to revisit the game and new players to experience it for the first time on a portable device. Recommended for nostalgic fans of action platformers from two generations ago, but unfortunately, the game hasn't aged well.
Review in Italian | Read full review