Ninjala Reviews

Ninjala is ranked in the 51st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
No Recommendation / Blank
Jul 2, 2020

There's much to love in this colourful free-to-play Switch exclusive, but it's obscured by some clumsy design.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
Jul 2, 2020

Ninjala is a unique melee-focused multiplayer live game with tons of style and depth, but for now it's light on content and heavy on microtransactions.

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4 / 5.0
Jun 28, 2020

Ninjala is a well-crafted game and another fine example of free-to-play done right.

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7 / 10
Jun 30, 2020

Ninjala is a good-looking and impressively tactical free-to-play arena fighter. It's currently lacking in modes and maps, there are problems with how the lacklustre opening tutorial goes about onboarding new players and the rock-paper-scissors aspect of proceedings is sure to be controversial but, overall, the game is off to a pretty strong start. We can't wait to see where GungHo takes its cast of pint-sized bubblegum protagonists in the coming months.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jul 10, 2020

Ninjala definitely has the look of something I should be in love with. It's bright and colorful, and the world-building happening here is genuinely fun. What's not fun are the poorly implemented mechanics that can ruin the fast and fluid combat. There is a solid template for something great here, and if GungHo can iron out all its wrinkles, it might have a genuine blockbuster on its hands.

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Jun 22, 2020

Ninjala's pint-sized ninjas carry a lot of punch. Combat, filled with bursts of bubble gum and yo-yo swings, makes for pure candy-colored chaos.

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Dave Aubrey
Top Critic
7.8 / 10.0
Jun 29, 2020

Ninjala's action doesn't always deliver and the combat can feel unresponsive or slow when you're on the receiving end of attacks, but despite that, Ninjala is an excellent free to play multiplayer title that every Switch player should try out. If you like Splatoon but want something a bit different, this is a great game to play. Just don't expect the story DLC to blow you away. At least it's cheap…

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8 / 10.0
Jul 6, 2020

Ninjala may very well be Nintendo's next hot online multiplayer game. It's free-to-play and totally worth a look, and the action is so fast-paced and addictive that you'll likely find yourself with a new ongoing game to eat up all your free time.

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4 / 5.0
Jul 7, 2020

At the end of the day, Ninjala is a surprisingly entertaining free-to-play game that doesn’t require players to pull out their wallets to have a little fun. The microtransactions are all cosmetic, free content is on its way to add even more depth, and the visual style just oozes with charm.

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Pure Nintendo
Kira C
Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Jul 4, 2020

Overall, Ninjala is an enjoyable game but doesn't have a lot of meat on its bones. It's fun to play from time to time, but not something that gives you much variety or content. At least not yet, this game is still young, and I look forward to seeing Ninjala grow.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 2, 2020

It's a little early to say if Ninjala will stand up with the likes of Fortnite or Splatoon, but it's a creative, fun, and charming game that we should be keeping an eye on.

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Noisy Pixel
Jake Yoder
Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Jun 29, 2020

Ninjala has a ton of potential to become the next big multiplayer experience. While its single-player experience leaves a little to be desired, playing online with others is a ton of fun. There’s a nice balance found in the game’s premium items, but much of what it does right can be found in the free offerings.

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Jun 30, 2020

Ninjala at launch is thin on content, but still enjoyable. Despite a frankly skippable paid Story Package, it's the sheer variety in its weapon lineup that makes its colorful free-to-play melee action stand out. Whether you're a Splatoon fan hungry for any new content, or just curious about a game where you can swing a giant ear of corn as a bat and enwrap your foes in bubblegum, Ninjala is worth checking out.

8 / 10.0
Jul 2, 2020

Overall, I have to say Ninjala: Gumball Shinobi is a blast to play. It does have its shortcomings, but for a game to come out the gate this polished and fun, I can see myself playing this game for quite some time. Ninjala is a ninja’s fan introduction game and I feel it does a good job. If you’re curious to check this game out, pick it up now on the Nintendo Switch eShop for the cool price of Free!

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