BinaryMessiah Dead Space (2023) Review
Feb 25, 2025
Dead Space has been one of my all-time favorite games. I picked up the original game the weekend it launched thanks to its critical acclaim and revolutionary gameplay for the horror genre. I replayed the game a few times over the years and just couldn't get enough. The HUD-less stats, holographic overlays, the dismemberment engine, the Necromorphs themselves, and the unique mystery around The Marker wouldn't really be unraveled until the sequel. The remake brings Dead Space to a whole new generation of gamers, and anyone else who played the game in the past will absolutely love this remake.
If you've already played the original, then you'll know what's in store. This is essentially a graphical remake with some balancing tweaks. Nothing new was really added outside of some suits. There are some side objectives, and some of the level layouts have been tweaked, but other than new character models, that's about it, and that's perfectly okay. The original game holds up well even today, and I'm glad not much else was drastically changed. Dead Space is mostly all about the combat, as the story elements are tossed in as you play, with only a few cut scenes that wrench the controls from you. There aren't even that many scripted events. They were placed very carefully in this game.
As you start out, you get the Plasma Cutter weapon, which is the best weapon in the game once it's maxed out. Each weapon has an alt-fire mode, and the plasma cutter lets you cut horizontally or vertically, and this matters. Necromorphs come in all shapes and sizes. The standard kind runs at you, so it's best to cut off their legs and then their arms. There are small little babies with three tendrils that shoot at you. Cut off the tendrils, and it will run away. There are large, dog-like ones that should have their arms cut off as they have no legs. Then there are large bosses peppered throughout the game that can be pretty challenging. There's even a Mr. X-style hunter that chases you later in the game and can only be killed with something powerful. These types are introduced throughout the game, plus many more that I haven't mentioned. Necromorphs will even sport armor later on, so you can only cut off limbs that aren't guarded.
There are plenty of weapons in the game, and you will find that not all are very useful. I rarely used the flamethrower or the ripper, as they aren't great weapons unless fully upgraded. You will probably only fully upgrade a single weapon in your first playthrough, as nodes are very rare and you have to rely on buying them at the stores if you want to upgrade faster. You also need to buy suit upgrades and use some nodes on your suit. It's a balancing act, and this encourages playing a New Game+ as there's also a new alternate ending. Dead Space gets better the more you play, and that's really awesome. I am actually looking forward to the next play-through as I can finally upgrade other weapons and start maxing them out.
There are some puzzles thrown in that usually take up entire rooms. There aren't many, but they do exist and offer a decent challenge. Most of Dead Space consists of finding the next switch, as you need to restart nearly every system on the Ishimura, and this involves using your Kenesis ability to move batteries into slots or toss objects at enemies. You can also use your stasis ability to slow objects and enemies down. These are essential tools, and you will rely on them as the game gets tougher. And it really does get tough. The game starts throwing hordes of enemies at you, expecting that you're careful with your ammo and have upgraded something. You will need to have a balanced weapon loadout for long distances, short range, and area of effect to keep enemies off of you. There really is a strategy to killing everything, as this isn't Call of Duty.
The game is incredibly well balanced. No two areas are alike, and you're always doing something new or different, and the level of design is always changing. While the game is very linear, each area throws new surprises at you, or none at all when you're expecting one. Enemies pop out of grates or ceilings in some hallways, but you may enter a new area expecting to be bombarded when nothing happens. Dead Space doesn't play too much into psychological horror, despite The Marker messing with your head. You see signs of it throughout the ship and read about it in text or audio logs, but this isn't really explored more until the sequel. The game does a great job with traditional horror by always making you feel on edge and tense because you never know what's coming next.
The upgrades to the actual game are great. The graphics got a fantastic boost and make the game look better than ever; the new character models are well done; and the game feels new enough for veteran players to really get into. This is honestly still one of the best horror games ever made and has one of the most unique combat systems to ever be invented in the last 20 years. This is a classic, and I'm glad there's a better way to play on newer systems.