BinaryMessiah Gorogoa Review

Mar 18, 2025
Gorogoa is a puzzle game I have avoided for years. All for two reasons: It's incredibly short, and I thought the game would be so abstract that it would be extremely obtuse and difficult to play. I was mistaken, indeed. Gorogoa only takes 90 minutes to 2 hours to complete depending on how stumped you get. The first two chapters of the game ease you into the concept of the entire thing. The story primarily involves following a boy during wartime as he collects different colored fruit to complete an artistic masterpiece. At least that was my interpretation of the story. There isn't a single piece of written dialogue in the game, so you must use your imagination to get the story across. You have four tiles you can move pieces around on. Each tile is a moving picture. An hourglass icon will appear when an animation is playing, indicating that you cannot interact until the animation concludes. You can then click the tile, and blue flashes will appear over the part you can interact with. You can then zoom into the area, and occasionally you can zoom in multiple times, altering the perspective of the tile. Many times you need to find a "frame" to pull out of the tile and put to the side. Usually, another tile lies beneath this frame, requiring you to zoom out to reveal another puzzle piece. Occasionally you can pull multiple "frames" from the same tile and then zoom out and around on the frames as well. This procedure seems confusing in writing, but in practice it works really well. This reminds me of games such as echochrome, which challenge your perspective and encourage unconventional thinking. Some puzzles will require you to move the boy from one frame to another. You can usually guess which one by matching the surroundings around the boy as he walks down a staircase. A doorframe might be the "frame" you pulled, and you need to zoom in and out of the frame the boy is in to figure out where to put the doorframes so he can continue towards the fruit. There are some puzzles in which you need to have an object interact with multiple frames, such as a box of rocks needing to be turned into a giant boulder to break glass. Perspective comes into play when matching tiles to determine which way the boulder should go. In chapters four and five the scenario gets more complicated with the need to rotate tiles, and you have several areas you can zoom in and out of in a single frame. You get a lot of Eureka! moments if you just zoom around and fiddle around a bit. A couple of times, I understood the concept or knew the goal, but reaching it was challenging. I won't blame the game for this, as it could just be my thinking, as these puzzles are very well designed and extremely clever in using perspective. I couldn't find much to really nitpick at apart from the rotation animations need to fully play out before you can zoom in and out. I wish there was a skip animation button to expedite the tile rotations, enabling me to solve the puzzle before losing my focus. I found that the music stopped a little too frequently, and while it was good, I don't quite understand why this was the case. The artwork is fantastic, and the game is one of those games that feels like interactive art. The colors really pop on OLED displays, and I was surprised at how well this game scaled from a small screen to an ultrawide monitor. While the playspace is just a 4:3 box for the four tiles, the space around it has been scaled out to accommodate the empty screen space. The space it utilized resembled a sheet of paper. I was also surprised at how well the controls worked, from a touch screen to a touchpad to a mouse. However, this is a game that will not work with traditional controllers. There's too much sliding around the tiles, and this would get frustrating quickly. As it stands, Gorogoa is a gorgeous and clever puzzle game with lovely ambient music and enough puzzles to really make you think; however, basic logic will give you that Eureka moment and give you just enough of a serotonin hit to keep going. Though the game ends too quickly, it's a great work of art that puzzle fans should play.