Boregorey Cassette Beasts Review

Feb 2, 2025
After hearing about this game for months I finally decided to give it a try. I have played more than a dozen monster-collecting/battling games including; Pokémon, Temtem, Digimon, SMT and others. All of these game have their own quirks and themes that make them different from one another and help keep the genre fresh. After about 30 hours of this game (one playthrough with very little postgame playtime), I think this title might be one of the most unique additions to the genre in a long time. Between the in-battle fusions, incredible ability customization and interesting characters arcs the game has a fair amount of replay-ability and fun interactions. There is a lot of customization throughout the game. You can set both level scaling and move intelligence of your enemies in the settings to adjust how hard you want to make your playthrough. The moves are gained separate from mons and allow you to mix and match as you see fit. You can even swap in and out partners and building synergies with them. Choice and customization is the name of the game when it comes to cassette beasts and it feels honestly unmatched in that category across the whole genre. Without these settings, Cassette Beasts would definitely run into serious balancing issues in the mid-game (and still may take some tweaking as you play). There were definite fights that I felt were nigh impossible without a specific team composition or level adjustments. I spent a fair amount of time in the settings before I found a good mix of difficulty and grinding. Overall, I think that this game is one of the most unique combinations of old and new to date, and has some great themes to go along with an incredible soundtrack. There is great replay-ability and even a post game I didn't dive into nearly as much as I plan to in the future. Definitely a must-play for anyone that enjoys the monster-collection genre, or is interesting in a great jump-in spot to the one of these style of games.