Andrew Reiner
- The Legend of Zelda
- Grand Theft Auto
- Super Mario Bros.
Andrew Reiner's Reviews
A strange deviation from the traditional, action-figured based formula that succeeds in rewarding players, but comes up short in story, levels, and collectability
It roars out of the gate and looks like it could be tackling difficult subject matter in a meaningful way, but quickly devolves into a mindless revenge story
The campaign is too familiar at times, but the gameplay is top notch. All multiplayer modes showcase high levels of depth and reasons to come back
Even without character movement, Rocksteady shows us that Batman in VR can be an empowering experience. More, please!
The Horizon series has been fun up to this point, but this entry stands above the others with its excellent open world and rewarding customization. It’s easily the best racer of this generation
An emotional roller-coaster ride that is often jolted by gun shots and unexpected plot developments
It succeeds in both its puzzles and story, and emerges as one of the nicest surprises of the year
One of those frantic party games that you’ll love screaming at
A strange, yet satisfying experience with roots in first-person storytelling, but it wants to be a superhero game at heart
A reflection of our world today, but it ends up a little too long winded and the narrative sometimes slows the experience to a crawl
A few points of political intrigue are quickly washed away as the story adopts a greater mystery. Many of the sequences are surprising slow with little in terms of character or plot development
A blast for Star Wars and Lego fans alike
The kind of nostalgic gaming that makes you want to play the original Mega Man games instead
The best Uncharted yet. It hooks you emotionally early on and keeps you locked in place as the thrill of the hunt for a lost treasure takes shape
Virtual reality has the potential to deliver a great action/platform experience. Lucky’s Tale isn’t it
I couldn't put the game down, and I immediately jumped into the post-game Challenge Mode to play more of it
The long-running series needed new experiences, and Sony delivered two that will make you spend more time in Diamond Dynasty
A step down in terms of star power, but the humor and gameplay are entertaining
Star Wars' battles have never looked or played this well, but the thrills grow repetitive quickly
The finale races by without pause, stuttering periodically with character logic, but is largely successful in making the player want to see more