Andrew Clouther

27 games reviewed
83.2 average score
80 median score
86.4% of games recommended
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If the more traditional style doesn't bother you, the game is absolutely worth the bang for the dollar.

If you like good Dark Souls environments and puzzles, this is definitely the DLC for you. There aren't a whole slew of new items, weapons, or spells but keep in mind that this is one of three announced DLCs, there will be more to come. Check out Crown of the Sunken King before I go ahead and beat it for a fourth time. I'd say it takes about 2-4 hours your first time.

Jun 20, 2014

So if you're feeling nostalgia, love old school RPGs, want to see where a lot RPG systems came from, or just like Final Fantasy games – definitely pick up the Steam version of Final Fantasy III.

9 / 10.0 - Dark Souls II
Mar 25, 2014

Dark Souls 2 isn't a beat it and leave it sort of game. There's so much you can do, and I love that. . . . The game is still budding, and I'm really looking forward to the crazy crap people come up with.

8 / 10.0 - Strider
Feb 20, 2014

All in all, if you're a fan of the Strider franchise or just are looking for a fun to play action-platformer, I strongly suggest picking up the new Strider.

In a nut shell, I dig Cities of Tomorrow more than vanilla SimCity. While the game has been massively patched to fix many of the release issues, the game is still not without its frustrations.

Nov 18, 2013

Over all I love the new flavor, am happy to be playing XCOM again, and love the challenge. Like I said, if you have any love for XCOM in your heart, pick this expansion up.