Rashid Sayed

38 games reviewed
82.8 average score
90 median score
73.7% of games recommended
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9 / 10.0 - Nier: Automata
Mar 7, 2017

Nier Automata is a better game than the original in every way possible. Although performance issues may annoy some players, you wouldn't want to miss out on some classy combat, amazing story and perhaps the best action game you can play on your PS4 right now.

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Ghost Recon Wildlands had amazing potential but its unbalanced gameplay mechanics and unnecessarily huge open world stop it from topping its fantastic predecessors.

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Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue is not some cheap cash-in collection. It’s a bridge to what is going come in the future backed up by an amazing remaster and an intriguing teaser to the next game.

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7 / 10.0 - Steep
Dec 7, 2016

Steep excels in what it sets out to do but glitches, controls issues and graphics inconsistencies during day time (on the Xbox One) drag down the experience.

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Dec 6, 2016

The Last Guardian is a love letter to anyone who loved Team Ico's previous games. It's a shame that this game won't receive the mainstream attention it deserves. Kudos to Sony for sticking with Fumito Ueda for so long and getting the game out on the shelves. Truly, The Last Guardian marks the end of an era.

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9 / 10.0 - Watch Dogs 2
Nov 14, 2016

Watch Dogs 2 might very well be the best open world game of 2016. It offers ton of content, different ways to complete missions and brilliant visuals. If you are a fan of open world games, you should be playing Watch Dogs 2. Period.

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9 / 10.0 - NBA 2K17
Sep 22, 2016

Overall, NBA 2K17 follows the good old mantra…“if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” The game builds on an already existing and fantastic framework and if you are already a fan NBA 2K17 is game you need to play.

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Sep 20, 2016

PES 17 is a dream come true for any football fan. Its tight gameplay along with fantastic visuals cement its position as one of the finest representation of the "world's most beautiful game.'

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May 18, 2016

I had high expectations from Homefront The Revolution but in the end Deep Silver and Dambuster Studios pushed out a half bake open world shooter that no one will care about in a week or two.

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9 / 10.0 - Doom
May 15, 2016

DOOM is one of the best first person shooters of this generation. Just go in without any expectations and it will provide you with an experience unlike any other shooter.

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9 / 10.0 - Ratchet & Clank
Apr 12, 2016

Insomniac Games have crafted a beautiful reimagining of the original game that must be experienced by every fan of the series. It may not impress old fans of the series due to it being largely similar to previous entries but it will certainly impress new comers.

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9 / 10.0 - Just Cause 3
Dec 1, 2015

Just Cause 3 stays true to the series' core offerings, providing the player a ridiculous amount of firepower and tools to take down their enemies in the most action-filled, over the top creative fashion which would make even Michael Bay proud.

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Nov 24, 2015

The Crew: Wild Run is a fantastic expansion to the franchise and is a testament to Ubisoft's and Ivory Tower's consistent focus in making The Crew a reputable racing franchise.

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Hardcore fans may be divided about The Phantom Pain, but there is no doubt that this might very well be this generation's defining game.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Dungeons 2
May 7, 2015

There was something promising about the way the developers put Dungeons 2 together but they didn't really follow through with that promise. Instead we got a game that seemed as though the developers stretch themselves too thin.

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9 / 10.0 - Watch Dogs
May 27, 2014

Watch_Dogs delivers on all fronts providing the player with intense gameplay mechanics and an intriguing mission structure.

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Mar 21, 2014

Second Son is a worthy entry in the inFamous Series. More importantly, Sucker Punch now have an interesting protagonist in Delsin Rowe.

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Mar 18, 2014

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is developed purely for the fans. It won't bring in any new audiences but it wasn't meant to in the first place. It features a decent amount of content which will make the wait less taxing for The Phantom Pain.

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