Andy Robertson

24 games reviewed
84.6 average score
80 median score
95.8% of games recommended
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Sep 18, 2014

It's not until you see it in action in the hands of fans and players that it starts to make better sense. Testing the game out with my own children was a light-bulb moment for me, as I watch them moved seamlessly from playing with the toys on the carpet to placing them on the Infinity Base and continue those adventures on the screen.

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Disney Infinity 2.0 is a complicated beast, and easy to write off as a money grab for this lucrative new market created by Skylanders. However, see the game in the hands on young players and the different pieces fit together coherently.

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May 17, 2014

While the pink puffball hero offers nothing new, younger players will be hooked, writes Andy Robertson

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10 / 10.0 - Mario Kart 8
May 16, 2014

The deeper handling, pop-out arcade style graphics on a scale unseen before in the series, the social network friendly Mario Kart TV and Miiverse features and of course the heavyweight Mario moniker itself are Nintendo's best chance to date of turning round the Wii U's fortunes. Quietly underpinning all this is the best Mario Kart experience I've has since it's revelatory introduction some 22 year ago.

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