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Ollie Barder

Favorite Games:
  • Cyber Troopers Virtual On
  • Super Metroid
  • Ico

84 games reviewed
81.5 average score
80 median score
53.6% of games recommended

Ollie Barder's Reviews

I cover gaming and pop-culture in Japan for Forbes. I also founded and continue to manage the mecha gaming site, Mecha Damashii. I have over a decade’s worth of games industry experience, having worked in both publishing and game development, and am currently working in the Tokyo games industry. In my limited spare time I do mecha related toy reviews for a variety of places.
Apr 11, 2020

Overall, this is an amazing game that works on its own and fleshes out the story and setting of Final Fantasy VII in a remarkably cogent way.

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Mar 29, 2020

Overall, this is a very faithful remake of a classic and beloved shoot-em-up with a fascinating world setting, now brought to life in a new and visually vibrant way.

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8 / 10.0 - Samurai Shodown
Mar 22, 2020

Overall, Samurai Shodown is very much true to its gaming lineage and works a lot better on the Switch than you would expect. So if you like quick paced fighting games with lots of vicious bladed weaponry and a surprising amount of tactics, then this is definitely worth a look.

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Feb 23, 2020

Overall, this is one of the best recent entries to the Super Robot Wars games and having it on the Switch makes it all the more compelling and convenient, not to mention being more in line with the portable history of the series.

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Dec 19, 2019

Overall, this is a very solid and quite streamlined Super Robot Wars game and is something that works very well on the Switch. It’s a bit of a change of pace after Super Robot Wars T but Super Robot Wars V has its own charm and a fantastic roster of units to get lost in.

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There are already plenty of solid roleplaying games on the Switch, but you absolutely need to add Dragon Quest XI S to your collection if you haven’t already done so. Put simply, it is still a thoroughly incredible game and almost peerless within the genre.

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8 / 10.0 - Daemon X Machina
Sep 20, 2019

If you like to play with nicely designed mecha packed full of weapons and destroy all kinds of robotic enemies, then Daemon X Machina does a good job letting you do just that. So ignore the more casual players out there and try this out, as this is a proper mecha game.

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Overall, this is a excellent remake of an already faultless Zelda game.

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Aug 6, 2019

Overall, Metal Wolf Chaos XD is a decent enough port of a cult classic mecha game but misses the mark over the Xbox original.

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Jul 16, 2019

Overall, Dragon Quest Builders 2 is a good game but not a great one.

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Apr 14, 2019

Iron Rain is a solid shooter and reminiscent of what made the mainline games so much fun. However, I think some of the backend changes don’t really work and the visual and aural impact of the weapons feel diminished.

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Apr 1, 2019

If you want to enjoy an involved tactical role-playing game that acts as a gateway to decades of intricate and extensive anime pop-culture, then board the Arcadia and let it take you on a wonderful adventure.

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Mar 3, 2019

Overall, Kingdom Hearts III is a very involved game, both functionally and narratively, but on each count, these aspects of the game can be awkward and difficult to fully understand, especially for newcomers. If you are one of the many people that have waited patiently for this installment and the chance to stick it to Xehanort, then you will definitely enjoy yourself a great deal.

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Jan 26, 2019

Overall, I have had a great deal of fun with Ace Combat 7 and while it can be a demanding game at times, it is definitely a rewarding one. So if you want to fly through a beautiful blue sky filled with missiles, while surviving intense aerial dogfights, then Ace Combat 7 delivers on all counts.

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Dec 8, 2018

All of these elements together make this game easily the best in the series thus far and is something I can happily recommend for anyone that enjoys large explosions and destroying giant aliens en masse.

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Nov 18, 2018

Overall, Pokémon: Let’s Go is definitely something fans of Pokémon will have fun with and will also be familiar to newer players who have enjoyed Pokémon GO. However, don’t be fooled by the sweet looking presentation, as there is a solid challenge to be had here.

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Overall, Castlevania Requiem is an excellent collection of two very important as well as very different Castlevania games. If you have enjoyed the recent Netflix series and don't know much about the games it is based off, then this is probably the perfect collection to get to grips with the saga.

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Overall, the standard game is an excellent high-definition remaster and is the best version of the game to date. The VR mode ruins that impressive achievement and is wholly unnecessary. In short, play this for the high definition remaster and give the VR mode a very wide berth.

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While it is a massive and overly traditional role-playing game, do not let these elements dissuade you from trying it out. Stick with it and your patience will be hugely rewarded.

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Aug 15, 2018

Overall, Octopath Traveler is a very solid and engaging game.

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