Alberto Lloret

298 games reviewed
80.5 average score
80 median score
59.9% of games recommended
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Even if it doesn't go far away from the Atelier formula, Lulua it's one of the most complete and enjoyable entries in the Atelier series. Under its easiness and low difficulty, Lulua its a complete RPG that shines the most on the alchemy options. It also leaves behind technical problems (fps hiccups), but it isn't localisized (english texts).

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Jun 4, 2019

Persona Q2 is, very likely, one of the last big Nintendo 3DS games, a great J-RPG that unites the Persona games gameplay, social links included, with Etrian Odyssey`s dungeons. So if you love those games, you'll love it... even with its flaws: you have to grind a lot, dungeons are a little uninspired...

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82 / 100 - Blood & Truth
May 28, 2019

Blood & Truth is one of the most intense action experiences on virtual reality. Period. Even with its limitations and lost opportunities, it's like a action blockbuster film, one in that you're the main character. It's a shame that if falls short, and that some mechanics, like climbing, doesn't work as the gunplay, because you'll stay wanting more.

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May 23, 2019

It's hard to recommend, or not, RE0 on Switch. Loading times make the experience a little worst (but not game breaking) and its expensive selling price (10 euros more than in other digital shops) make it hard to recommend... unless you want it to play on portable. There is no new content, neither Switch exclusive content: it's a fast port.

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May 21, 2019

Clap Handz implements it's enjoyable vision of golf in the virtual reality realm, and motion controls, with remarkable results. A fun an accesible golf game that lacks gameplay modes and options (there is no multiplayer, career mode...). If you forget about that, and want some fun sports in VR, that's just what if offers.

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It's hard to resist the dark side of the force... even if it's a short one. Vader Immortal Episode 1 last 45 minutes, and always leaves the feeling of being a collection of game mechanics used on other VR games (puzles, climb...). But the immersion and the atmosphere are so good that you probably won't mind.

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Almost 8 years later, Saints Row The Third achieve to be one of the most craziest open world adventure. Uber stupid humor, explosive missions, crazy situations, character customization beyond silliness... all very fun. The best part is that all works like a charm on Switch, even in handheld mode, a feature that make it very atractive.

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May 6, 2019

Nintendo Switch y Xbox One are now home to the best FFXII version, a port that contains all the new elements from The Zodiac Age edition for PS4 and adds some requested functions, like the job licenses' reset. And, don't forget, the Switch version it's the only one that you can play on portable mode, a fact that some of us can't resist to...

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Apr 27, 2019

Even after three games, HAL Laboratory is still able to introduce new skills, puzzles and challenges, now with a coop campaign. A game as simple as addictive, that even if it doesn't take the formula one step ahead, and without a very well known name behind, if offers a good chunk of accessible challenges for all kind of players.

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Arcade Classics reunites some of the most iconic Konami coin ops, although we've missed a little more variety (7 o the 8 games are shumps), more options (like being able to play some of them vertically) and more extras aside from the included digital book. But if you love retro games, it's not a bad choice for 20 euros...

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Apr 19, 2019

The touch screen options, the removal of PC's autosave feature and other adjustments, aside from playing it in georgeous portable mode, make this Nintendo Switch's version the best of all that have been released as a Remaster, and the most faithful to play the original versions, even if it had to make some sacrifices in the visual part.

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92 / 100 - Cuphead
Apr 18, 2019

Cuphead's Switch port is, let's put this simple, BRILLIANT: it mantains the wonderful graphics of the Xbox One/PC version, with no sacrifices, and most important, all that made it a special game (coop, high difficulty level...). It also adds little improvements, like character selection or spanish translation, that rise the bar even a little more.

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82 / 100 - Katana Zero
Apr 18, 2019

Katana ZERO it's a beautiful and speedy action game that made interesting choices, both in mechanics and narrative... but is falls short in lenght and always left the feeling that it could have gone even farther, with some mechanics not used at full. The 12 levels left 6-7 gameplay hours as much, but it's kinda replayable thanks to the decissions.

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Apr 9, 2019

Dangerous Driving it's like returning to the very first Burnout: say goodby to the open world and its awesome graphics, and be ready to embrace the old fashioned events on classic circuits. It retains the variety type o races, the takedowns,... but without the polishment that make us fall in love with this arcade formula.

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Nelke & the Legendary Alchemists can be a dissapointment to the series' fans, as it left behind its main focus (RPG) to embrace the management of a city, with simple and routinary mechanics. What's worst is that even if it includes most of the main characters from the series, it doesn't use them in all of its full potential...

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Mar 27, 2019

Yoshi's Crafted World not only change wool by cardboard to offer a charming plaform game: it goes beyond offering a "collect-a-thon" with a extremely varied levels, full of surprises and distinct gameplay mechanics. A very enjoyable game with local coop and a magnificent example that remind us that in 2D gaming, not all is done yet.

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75 / 100 - Unravel Two
Mar 22, 2019

Unravel Two lands on Switch losing a little bit of its visual quality, but gaining the possibility of share its gameplay in any place and moment (portátable mode included). It doesn't have new content, so if you played it when it was launched last year, you won't find anything new. It's the very same charming platform game with physics puzzles..

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68 / 100 - Left Alive
Mar 8, 2019

Left Alive it's a tough game, hard and even unfair (because of the enemy's IA), with a non very responsible control, a questionable checkpoint system and other shortcomings, even from the technical side. Mechas, stealth, action... neither of its elements shine completely. But, even with that, it has "something" that can hook you up to keep playing.

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Mar 4, 2019

Kirby Extra Epic Yarn follow the steps from other recent 3DS ports like Luigi's Mansion: pick up the original game, add minor extras... and enjoy a second life. An idea that seems fair to us, if it's nicely done, as is the case. Maybe the new content falls short, but the original game was very enjoyable... and it keeps delivering.

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80 / 100 - APE OUT
Feb 28, 2019

Ape Out breaks its cage with an amusing aesthetics and a wonderful and jazzy soundtrack, both of them procedural generated. In some way, it plays like Hotline Miami, with its own ideas, and a constant feeling of urgency. A game with an owerhelming personality, that even shows up when our ape dies, in a memorable and stilysh death recap screen.

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