Alberto Lloret

292 games reviewed
80.4 average score
80 median score
59.5% of games recommended
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75 / 100 - LEGO Bricktales
Oct 11, 2022

LEGO Bricktales isn't like other LEGO titles you've tried. It is simpler and puts more focus on construction than on action or platforms. The problem is that everything sins of simplicity, and the star of the game, the construction, has a somewhat cumbersome system and some failures. But if you go for construction, you will enjoy it.

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Sep 22, 2022

Shovel Knigh Dig is another success in the universe of the knight of the shovel, a roguelite that, without moving too far from the formula of the genre and what has been seen in other games of the character, manages to give it a spin to make it feel somewhat fresh. And he succeeds. Guaranteed fun for lovers of the most agile and casual roguelite.

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Trails from Zero may have been outdated in some aspects, such as the technical plot or some design decisions, but it is still a small RPG gem to discover, thanks to its superb story and dialogues, which marry with a very interesting world. If you overcome its slow start and repetitive tasks, you will enjoy a great adventure.

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82 / 100 - Temtem
Sep 17, 2022

If the Pokémon formula is your thing, Temtem takes it a little further with its new combat, multiplayer, and higher level of challenge. It doesn't have the refinement of Pokémon in certain areas, and its "always online" component makes it impossible to play on a laptop with Nintendo Switch, if it's on a site without a Wi-Fi connection.

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Sep 12, 2022

Metal: Hellsinger is a devilishly fun shooter that puts the focus on a vertiginous action to the rhythm of the music and wraps it with mechanics that give it depth. It does not have many levels and everything revolves around repeating them to achieve the highest score and climb in the ranking, something that will not convince all players.

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Sep 9, 2022

The arrival of F.I.S.T. Forged in Shadow Torch in physical format is great news for collectors and fans of metroidvania: it is still a great adventure, with interesting ideas, a solid combat system and an attractive staging... although on Nintendo Switch it is somewhat less sharp and spectacular.

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Aug 10, 2022

‎Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered is still a great open-world adventure and this port doesn't change that. What does change is that you will need a very powerful computer to move it in conditions with ray-tracing and all the visual improvements... and even with a powerful RTX 3080 you won't be able to move it to 4K and 60fps at launch.‎

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86 / 100 - Eastward
Aug 4, 2022

‎Eastward pays homage to the adventures of the 90s, fusing ideas from one and the other, but maintaining his own style. A small visual marvel that can entertain you for more than 25 hours, and now, thanks to the patch with the translation and the added improvements, makes the adventure more accessible than ever.‎

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80 / 100 - Live A Live
Jul 21, 2022

‎Live a Live does not fit into any canon. Although it's an RPG, it's not like others you've tried. Its short stories, in different eras, make each of its 9 chapters like a separate game. Too bad they are short and don't go too deep. But if you expect something with the classic ninth flavor, here you will find it. And very beautiful.‎

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90 / 100 - Stray
Jul 18, 2022

Stray is an indie adventure that it could be a Triple A game. It casts a cat as the main character, and focus on exploration and puzzles,. Not only has a superfab technical production, it also has an entertaining gameplay and a touching message. ¿The problem? When you finish it, will leave you wanting more... and it's not very long.

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Jun 30, 2022

The Delicious Last Course puts an impressive and beautiful last stroke to Cuphead, with a new "boss rush adventure" that even if it feels short, continues to exude impressive quality, with aesthetics that remain as unique and effective as they were on day one. A DLC that you will keep reminiscing about after completion.

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Jun 23, 2022

‎Blade Runner EE is a remaster in the strictest sense of the word: if you don't expect an abysmal jump in the graphics (softened backgrounds, the same models...) you won't be disappointed. It is still a great adventure, and although not all the novelties are equally successful and has failures, for 9.29 euros do not even think about it if you like the genre.‎

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Jun 15, 2022

20 new levels that add to the formula a new mechanic to prolong our combos. Special mention for the levels that act as the final boss, with a slightly different development, and the new unlockable cosmetic content. If you are a big fan of the base game you will enjoy it, as long as you do not expect a playable revolution.

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80 / 100 - Card Shark
Jun 2, 2022

Card Shark is not a card game, but one that revolves around cheating with them, with an interesting backstory and unique aesthetic. You can put "buts", such as that in the end it is limited or a collection of quick time events and minigames, but it does everything so well, and it is so addictive, that in the end you will end up noticing ...

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80 / 100 - Loot River
May 3, 2022

An entertaining roguelite that will catch you not only for the original of its "Tetris" mechanics, but also for the great fusion with the soulslike style, its beautiful aesthetics and the number of "runs" that you will have to overcome to discover all its secrets. If you like the genre, you will like it, despite the flaws it has at the moment.

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82 / 100 - Chernobylite
Apr 22, 2022

‎The Farm 51 re-signs a title with a unique approach, combining genres as disparate as survival and management, and it does so with success. The versions for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S are superior, but they continue to drag flaws (improvable AI, visual failures ...) that if polished, could close a superior experience.‎

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80 / 100 - Slipstream
Apr 6, 2022

‎Slipstream is a speed arcade with a retro flavor that knows very well where it comes from, who it is aimed at and where it is going, adding the right changes and novelties so that it is not a simple clone of OutRun. If you like the Sega classic, you're very likely to be dazzled...‎

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80 / 100 - MLB The Show 22
Apr 4, 2022

‎Like other great sports simulators, MLB The Show 22 offers a forceful proposal, rich in game modes and options so that anyone can enjoy an experience tailored to their ability and skill, although the "pay to win" component and the abusive prices of the cards disfigure the final result.‎

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90 / 100 - Tunic
Mar 16, 2022

The best "Zelda" that isn't coming from Nintendo, an unique adventure both in visuals and presentation that puts on the table smart and intelligent ideas. A game that any adventure fan looking for a new challenge should play on Xbox or PC. As simple as that, go and play it. You won't be disappointed.

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Atelier Sophie 2 is a very entertaining title, with an audiovisual section superior to what we have seen in the series and that, together with the playable novelties and its entertaining story, place this delivery among the best of the gust role-playing saga. That is no small thing for a 25th anniversary, although it arrives untranslated and some tasks are repetitive.

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