Brendan Lowry
Layers of Fear 2 has excellent atmosphere and cleverly done scares, but its story falls apart towards the end, the puzzle gameplay is average overall, and the imagery often doesn't tie into the narrative's themes.
Darkwood is a tense and challenging horror and survival game with superb atmosphere, excellent visual presentation, and a strong gameplay core, but it's marred by clunky movement and unintuitive combat mechanics.
A Plague Tale: Innocence is a dark medieval stealth adventure that blends superb gameplay, excellent writing, and amazing presentation into one cohesive experience.
While it's not perfect, God's Trigger offers a fantastic gameplay experience that any fans of brutal top-down shooter games like Hotline Miami will love.
Ultimately, Tropico 6 is a game that any fan of city builders will enjoy, and I highly recommend checking it out if you're one of those people.
If you love hardcore RPGs, then I'd say Outward is definitely worth picking up.
Despite not feeling very unique, mechanically, Warparty nevertheless delivers a great experience with a large amount of content, awesome visual style, and a setting unlike any other RTS.
The developers of One Piece World Seeker had lofty ambitions, but unfortunately, the final product is as shallow as it is frustrating.
Anthem offers amazing combat, astounding visuals, and excellent all-around production value, but suffers from baffling design choices and awful writing that hold it back from being something truly special.
Sunless Skies is a wild, mysterious RPG that blends together a plethora of traits from multiple genres. The result is something unique, engaging, and incredibly fun.
While the singleplayer experience is forgettable and the open world is small, the meat of Absolver lies within its deep gameplay and engaging combat.
While the story isn't out-of-this-world and the gameplay experience has some annoying flaws, Onimusha Warlords is, at the end of the day, a great game and a true classic that deserved to be brought to Xbox One.
Ashen could have done more to make itself stand out, and also could have been optimized better for the Xbox One, but at the end of the day, it's still a great game.
BELOW's graphics and music are nothing short of spectacular, but the incredibly disappointing gameplay experience leaves a lot to be desired.
Despite the performance issues, Subnautica is definitely a title that you shouldn't sleep on. The open world exploration and survival mechanics are on point, and the world is massive, deep, and rich in detail; it's just a shame that it's being held back a little bit by problems with how it runs.
Mutant Year Zero is a compelling and enjoyable blend of exploration and tactical combat that will keep you playing day after day.
Featuring a deep and diverse world, addictive action gameplay, and a fantastic new engine, Just Cause 4 is easily the best game in the series, hands down.
Despite the issues that drag down Darksiders III, it's still an excellent hack-and-slash action RPG that is more than worth the purchase.
At the end of the day, Project Highrise is an excellent skyscraper-management game that challenges the player with deep strategy and rewards them with gigantic, gorgeous looking buildings.
Between its incredible story, excellent gameplay, and surprisingly fantastic presentation factor, Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales is yet another masterpiece from CD Projekt Red that pushes the boundaries of game design and proves that anything, even a card game, can be groundbreaking if done well.