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Hans Haupt

Johannesburg, South Africa

24 games reviewed
78.1 average score
78 median score
25.0% of games recommended

Hans Haupt's Reviews

Editor-in-chief at @VAM3RS 🕹 | Co-Host @GETLPodcast 🎙 | #YouTuber 🎥 | Joshua 1:9 🙏🏻 | MPhil in #Ludology (#GameStudies) 👨‍🏫
Nov 15, 2017

Very few games have managed to captured my attention and awe as much as Assassin’s Creed Origins. Despite having spent more than 80 hours in the game (40 to 50 of those spent only on the campaign), I am still inexplicably drawn back to the incredibly well realised ancient Egypt that the game provides. Simply put, the unforgettable and enigmatic ancient Egyptian setting is wonderfully brought to life through outstanding auditory and visual design. Coupled with solid, fluid and fun gameplay; and tied together beautifully with a captivating story arc and copious amounts of interesting and fun side quests; makes Assassin’s Creed Origins the best entry yet in the long running franchise.

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86 / 100 - Cuphead
Oct 18, 2017

There is no doubt in my mind, that Cuphead is one of the best titles on the Xbox One. I would even go so far as to say that everyone should try it, at least once. I know the game is not for everyone, I honestly did not think it would be for me; but the adventure has been well worthwhile and the lessons learnt should, in my humble opinion, be experienced by all.

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88 / 100 - Quantum Break
Apr 1, 2020

The concept of time is a core tenet of Quantum Break. It is the driving force behind the gameplay and the scientifically enthralling narrative that intertwines the game and accompanying television series. Despite the scientific complexity of using time as both a gameplay and narrative element, Remedy Entertainment has done a fantastic job of producing a compelling story that is not only engaging and filled with spectacular twists and turns, but it is also incredibly immersive – especially for players who take the time to find all of the extra collectibles. Complementing an unforgettable story are visuals and audio that defy what many think the Xbox One is capable of, for Quantum Break is an unmistakable technical marvel and one of the best looking games of this generation [thus far]. Coupled with gameplay that manages to inject a fresh spin on the typical cover-shooter genre, Remedy Games have managed to create a memorable game that deserves to be experienced, played and enjoyed. Quantum Break is, without a doubt, one of the best titles available for Microsoft’s Xbox One.

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Oct 12, 2018

Astro Bot Rescue Mission offers a level of interactivity and polish that has not yet been seen on the PSVR platform. It is quite clear that the game was built specifically for VR, and in so doing was obviously a labour of love for Japan Studio. Quite simply, the game offers the best implementation of PSVR yet seen on the platform. It features solid and refined gameplay and crisp Pixar-Like visuals; all of which are bundled together in a title with so much charm, character and charisma, that it would be a travesty not to experience. Without a doubt, the game is a true PSVR classic.

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