Jaimie Ditchfield

28 games reviewed
76.4 average score
80 median score
67.9% of games recommended
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Jun 29, 2021

Ultimately, Mario Golf: Super Rush is an underwhelming spin-off that lacks any sort of imagination but is still fun to play. Super Rush features accessible golfing mechanics that are easy to understand, with tutorials available at any time. There are some genuinely charming moments in the single-player Golf Adventure mode too, but they don't make up for the tedious progression system. The other modes such as Speed Golf are fun to play with a group of friends, but online performance is abysmal. If you are after another fun "party" game, then you may be interested in giving Mario Golf: Super Rush a spin, but this game could have been much more than what it is.

Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods – Part One is an excellent continuation of the main campaign on Switch for the most part. Some areas don't reach the heights of the previous chapter, but the gameplay is still as satisfying as it was before. A few new enemies added into the mix ensure that you are constantly on your toes, and all of this is complemented by yet another fantastic musical score. The Nintendo Switch version isn't the best way to experience the game by any means, but it is still very much playable for those who want a great FPS title on the go.

9 / 10.0 - World Splitter
Apr 23, 2021

World Splitter is a great puzzle platformer with a unique gameplay mechanic for solving perplexing challenges. With 60 unique levels to play, the game's difficulty is quite diverse as a result, offering the player a ton of replayablity through extra challenges. My only criticism is that the multiplayer mode could have been more realized, as the dimension rift mechanic is used extremely well in both modes. If you're a fan of puzzle games and have been wanting something to scratch that itch, World Splitter is a game for you.

Mar 23, 2021

Monster Hunter Rise respects your time with tons of content, ample upgrades and rewards for those wanting to get stronger. The game also understands that some players want to take their time with it, with no real sense of urgency to rush to the top of the ranks. I'm excited for the official launch of the game, as I'll be able to enjoy going out on hunts with my friends. Monster Hunter Rise is a game that I'll continue to play for a long time, as Capcom has promised additional content, with the first round arriving sometime in April.

Feb 15, 2021

Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is an excellent package, providing two engaging adventures with tons of content spread across them both. The improvements in Super Mario 3D World transform it into easily the best version of the game. Bowser's Fury is likewise fantastic, offering yet another open-world Mario adventure (albeit on a smaller scale) with interesting ideas and fun gameplay. If you're new to Super Mario 3D World, then this is the perfect time to dive in. However, if you're like me and have played 3D World to death, then there's also something in here for you as well.

Feb 9, 2021

Little Nightmares II is one of those "experience" kind of games. It is similar to titles such as Journey and Abzu, where it's all about the journey, not the destination. Little Nightmares II revels in its use of compelling level design to tell a deep and saddening tale of discovery. The stealth sections in particular provided some truly intense moments, with the world of Pale City always providing a constant, creepy atmosphere. My time spent exploring dark hallways, brooding corridors, and creepy streets will be something I'll always remember.

7 / 10.0 - Hitman 3
Jan 25, 2021

Hitman 3 – Cloud Version provides a set of distinct and entertaining missions, each with their own unique objectives and environments to explore. The Nintendo Switch version is by no means the definitive way to play, and input lag and dips in performance are likely to occur depending on your bandwidth. But if you want a brilliant stealth game on Switch, Hitman 3 definitely delivers, and it is a great finale for Agent 47.

Nov 22, 2020

Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to spend some more time with my precious Egg Boi.