Shing! Reviews

Shing! is ranked in the 19th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Geeks Under Grace
Johnathan Floyd
7 / 10.0
Sep 29, 2020

Shing! offers nothing new, is a bit clunky, and couldn't keep my attention after the first hour.

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55 / 100
Nov 25, 2020

Shing! tries to reinvent the beat’em up but fails to impress.

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7.3 / 10.0
Sep 4, 2020

I really enjoyed the sense of humor that Shing! provided, wrapped up in an enjoyable presentation manages to feel fresh in a genre that is seldom innovated in. The biggest innovation however, is the use of the right control stick instead of pressing face buttons. Generally speaking, it works well but does bog down when there are too many enemies on the screen at once or during extended play sessions. It is a cool idea that will no doubt receive mixed reviews, but everything else around Shing! is good enough to warrant a look for those who are fans of the genre.

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