Mass Effect Legendary Edition Player Reviews
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I played each game separately at first, but when few years later I discovered Legendary Edition, I bought it immediately. I love the trylogy. Mass Effect is one of such games that make you fall in love with the gaming world.
An almost perfect remaster of one of the best sci-fi trilogies in videogame history.
The Mass Effect Series is a must-play for any fan of Action-Adventure Shooter light-RPG game.
The Legendary Edition contains Mass Effect 1, Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3.
Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 are still very relevant. They would have deserved more in depth UI updates though.
Gameplay: AWESOME.
Story: GREAT.
Graphic: AWESOME.
Music/Sound: AWESOME.
Dialogue/Voice Acting: GREAT.
The Mass Effect Trilogy is simply one of the most phenomenal videogame experiences of all time. To this day it will be a benchmark for the sci-fi games and everything BioWare will develop in the future. This is a very beautiful remaster of arguably the best franchise of all time.
An absolute masterpiece from start to finish. The best game trilogy I've ever played in my life. We are lucky to be able to be in this period.
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