The Callisto Protocol Player Reviews
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Uma copia de Dead Space nada de "Sucessor Espiritual"! Isso que esse jogo e nao inova em nada combat facil, os inimigos tem design preguiço, usa de sustos baratos, imita ate os jumpscare lá do DS1 de 2008.
Dead Space was one of the last original IPs to really push the horror genre forward. I felt it was the only horror game to take Resident Evil 4's torch and carry it along. The Callisto Protocol received a ton of hype because Dead Space's co-creator Glen Schofield was leading
Graphics look great! Combat has room for improvement, resource management works well but the manual save does absolutely nothing because I could wind up losing the gear that I crafted after reverting back to the games last check point from before using the crafting machine thus being forced to do
i hate it.
Bad controls, i hadn't played it in 3 months and kept trying to jump onto a ledge but stomped instead. ammo seems to be rare and the blunt weapons are as good as wet noodles.
The controls should be easy to remember and in a standard configuration
This is probably the best looking game I've played as far as fidelity. It looks incredible. The storyline and world building is pretty cool. But it feels very on-tracks without much player freedom, and suffers from a lack of variety in its enemies. I still want to go back and
a great game, especially the story gameplay and graphics, the last scene impressed me very much, I would like to thank the whole team for their efforts, I would like to continue this
Jogo com péssima perfomance travando mesmo com as configurações no baixo tendo um hardware mais que suficiente, os saves nào adiantam de nada já que mesmo salvando ele só leva em conta os saves automáticos
Awesome and underrated game. Easy controls, very intuitive inventory and weapon management and no busy work. Straightforward and excellent space horror. Loved it.
great content when the game actually works, so many bugs that stop progress through the game. I've had to restart completely 6 times for bugs that have been in the game since day 1... i don't know if the devs just gave up but i completely couldn't even get passed
Despite the general negative comments, I loved it, even more than Dead Space.
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