Signalis Player Reviews
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What would happen if you combined Resident Evil with Silent Hill? Probably a game with crazy enemies, creepy music, inventory management, and tank controls. Well, that's exactly what Signalis is. It combines the best of PS1 horror and shoves it into a nice retro package with great controls and animations.
I truly believe this is the best horror game I have ever played. Can't find anything negative to highlight, this game will stay with me forever
Signalis' biggest strengths are its story, presentation, and atmosphere. Its gameplay is frankly only okay, with a very limited inventory system combined with a very generous save system that leads to a lot of messing around running back and forth to store items to make room to pick up more
Its about what u would except for a classic re influenced game. The presentation is gorgeous tho, and there is interesting stuff about the story but it also doesnt feel that rewarding and much of it isnt answered.
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