Dragon's Dogma 2 Player Reviews
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I liked the first one but cant remember the details, except that I remember the nights to be tougher than in the sequel. Dogma 2 does a great job to motivate you trying out the different vocations and the world design is a lot of fun. I like the old
Extremely underwhelming experience.
Combat is unchallenging and boring. The challenge is that some enemies require several hundreds of attacks to die.
No gripping story or engaging questlines.
Buggy AI where strange NPC behavior happen too frequently. My pawns started murdering the entire city at one point because a guard was attacking me for
I only played about 2 hours before calling it quits. Not entertaining enough for me.
I loved the game even with bad performance. Great combat and tons of secret quests, locations and enemies that the game wont tell you about. You can only find out about stuff after you found it.
Exploration, artwork, and combat are superb. Story lacks a bit, and it quickly becomes a bit on the easy side of things, making the aforementioned combat a bit of a faceroll later on. Perhaps because I'm a completions and overleveled for where I'm at. Really wish enemies scaled better with
Great gameplay can only take you so far. Pros: Vocation Variety, Vocation Abilities, Character Customization, Excellent aRPG Combat, Weapon variety & design, Excellent Soundtrack and Battle Music Cons: Thin and uninspiring campaign, Pawns Quips Repeat often, Forgettable NPCs, Map can be frustrating to travel as Pawns always aggro enemies, Caves/Dungeons
Pros: Beautiful Open World, Seamless Open World, Dynamic Open World, Great Physics, Great Combat, Varied Vocations Cons: Poor Performance, Unpolished, Inconsistent Difficulty Curve, Barren Open World, Lackluster Loot, Lackluster Content
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