Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below Reviews
Dragon Quest: Heroes is a fantastic spin-off with a lovable cast of characters, hilarious monsters, beautiful cartoon visuals, and addicting gameplay. However, the game does have some minor technical flaws, such as FPS issues, despite it being consistent 90% of the time. The mission objectives can get a bit tiresome by the time one finishes the game, but solid, basic gameplay is fun enough to finish the title and even continue post-game to collect everything 100%.
Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below is a great addition to both the Dragon Quest series and Dynasty Warriors series. Taking the basic elements from DW and adding in a lot of DQ, making it a stand out title amongst a growing sea of DW spin-off titles. If you’re a fan of either series, then you will find something to like here; it’s both familiar and different, making for a unique and thrilling ride.
There are so many ways that Dragon Quest Heroes could have gone wrong. Thankfully, Omega Force does right by the classic franchise, and they take the opportunity to streamline their own formula as well. The story could have been better, and the repetitive gameplay comes close to wearing out its welcome, but otherwise Dragon Quest Heroes counts as another win for Omega Force.
Dragon Quest Heroes vermischt die bisherige Dynasty Warriors Formel mit einer guten Mischung an Dragon Quest Fanservice und guten Action RPG Elementen. Die taktische Komponente kommt zwar etwas zu kurz und auch Herausforderungen sind sehr rar zu finden, aber sowohl Neueinsteiger als auch Dragon Quest Veteranen werden mit dem Titel auf jeden Fall ihren Spaß haben.
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