Satisfactory Player Reviews
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Endlessly enjoyable :) The best factory game I've played so far. After almost 400 hours, I still feel like I've barely scratched the surface, and I'm loving it :) I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys this genre. :)
I have played this game for 120 hours. I spent 2 days building a new factory and when it was finally finished game did not save and my new factory is gone. Autosave is on and I also save manually. I'm not starting to build that again. I will delete
Terrible technical state of the game. The bigger base becomes - the more crashes and performance drops I've encountered, making barely playable on the latest stages of the game, and that's with 0 mods used.
Strange feature implementation priority.
A lot of UI/UX issues (e.g. try to count how many there are
This... is possibly my favorite game ever.
It does so many things right.
The visuals are phenomenal, the gameplay is deep but accessible. The game itself teaches the deep gameplay through the gameplay itself without needing an intensive tutorial. I've had this game since early access, and the developers have
What a good concept. Game is very well put together with lots of eye for detail and a lot of humor. Great building mechanics, no penalty for Deleting and rebuilding items. Love to play the game for a challenge of just to relax. Thanks Coffee Stain Studios!
I just want to write that I don't have time to write this right now. You know what? Forget it. I'm going back to my factory.
far over thousand hours and still having fun with this master piece
Perfect game for industry fans and nerds like me.
Only downside : too addictive.
The game has a touch of fun added to the very mind-needing gameplay and it's so perfect.
This game sucks. It crashes at random and is not ready for real play even after 1.0 release.
In an alien world, far away. We all want to be builders and bring capitalism to the galaxy.
Satisfactory finds inspiration from Factorio, the stress and violence substracted. The world design is well accomplished and the immersion instantaneous. What is supposed to be a 45 minutes session of belt and constructor
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