Sid Meier's Civilization VII Player Reviews
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Nothing new. Terrible amount of features. Is super limited. Can't believe I can't create a game with Earth's map.
I have never been this mixed on a game before in my life. However I'm still having fun with it and don't regret my purchase. I just wish 2K wasn't rushing talented devs.
Seems that this is not the dominant opinion, but i really like the new mechanics. It is true though that the UI could get some more love. Some informations are also lacking in some events/windows.
Finally a civilization game I consistently enjoy playing to the end.
The age system resetting a little bit of the snowball helps a lot maintaining interest.
The UI could use some work but chances are it's going to be patched over time.
Unfinished, was not upto CIV std. far from it at its current state of Feb 2025,
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