Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Player Reviews
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Simplesmente um jogo incrivel, sensacional, chorei muito no capitulo 7, emocionante demais.
"Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons" delivers a simple, short, and beautiful linear adventure, demanding simultaneous control of two brothers. Initially, the dual-character control scheme proved confusing, but proficiency was quickly attained. Early gameplay was marred by frustrating bugs, notably the lift bug, requiring sustained, ten-minute rotations of both analog
Brothers is about two boys who travel across their land to find a magic sap from a very special tree. They need this sap to heal their father who has come down with a life-threatening illness. That’s pretty much all there is to the story. However, that’s not the touching
The story was compelling, and it was cool to see the variety of ways in which the mechanics were used... but the mechanics were still pretty simple throughout most of the game, and it felt a little bit too short or rushed at the end.
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