No Man's Sky Player Reviews
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"No Man's Sky" is a masterpiece. It is my favorite game of the moment and I am always so hyped about playing it. I strongly recommend it if you like adventure and infinite fun.
Captures space exploration like no other game and has steadily continued to build on a solid survival foundation, with years and years of new content (both story and mechanics) that continues bringing new ways to play (Fancy catching some fishing? Now you can!).
Ah, No Man's Sky, the game that promised us the universe and initially delivered a glorified rock-collecting simulator. Hello Games boldly went where no developer had gone before: straight into the pit of overhyped disappointment. But wait! Like a phoenix rising from the ashes of broken promises, No Man's Sky
One of the best supported games…ever. Regular free updates since launch. Continues to improve. VR friendly. Excellent visual. Learning curve is not to steep. Can be repetitive as any game requiring resource gathering.
I write this in 2024
No man's sky is just a masterpiece with historical comeback. And believe me, everyone in 2024 think the same. Search the name!
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