Far Cry 5 Player Reviews
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Far Cry is one of the many Ubisoft franchises that has been infected with sequelitis and the “Ubisoftitis” specifically. For the last few years, their open world games have suffered from the same stale structure and layout and they had a hard time finding their own personality. Far Cry 5
For me, this is one of the best games. The best thing about the game is the atmosphere that immerses us in the American countryside. Far Cry 5 has the best graphics in the series, it is holistic and uniform in any point of the world, incredible gameplay that drags
I really enjoyed this game. Loved the storyline and to add i'm usually not a fan of side quests but these ones weren't too bad.
Too gross and disturbing. And you get randomly interrupted by cult missions. Co-op is top notch!
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