Apex Legends Player Reviews
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Good game that the need of monetization ruined. The game feel with its characters, the shooting experience and graphics are quite good enough to make differences with other battle royal type games.
The game improved with the addition of new maps and weapons that changed the way the game was working,
it is say that i have something hacking in my pc
Great game, bad company.
They ban me for reporting cheaters. So if you play, do not bother to report, it will only ban your account...over 1000$ account...
Great game back in the Days, but nowadays its just tough to play as a cassual. All the bugs, the terrible servers, respawn or EA just constantly putting cash grabs in the game and still not fixing audio bugs that have been in the game since its launch is just
jeu de merde clairement des serveur a + de 300 ms quasi h24 commu cancer y'a que des master et des preda que des gens qui ont +de 50000 heures et des joueur manette
наиграл 1800ч и игра ооооочень однообразная , постоянные проблемы с серверами .
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