A Plague Tale: Innocence Player Reviews
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The Plague was a devastating disease that wiped out millions in the Medieval era. It’s uncommon to see a disease revolve around a game’s story, but A Plague Tale does it wonderfully. Full of adventure, sadness, excitement, and little hope, Innocence does an amazing job making you care about its
Terrible terrible control, I ended up hating it, and I found some bugs. The game is repetitive and I'm seriously thinking of abandon it, even though I'm really close to the end.
Nice story! It feels like watching a movie, wanting to know what would happen next in each chapter. Graphics, music, and gameplay are immersive. It's not too complicated, adding more enjoyment as I learn and play through each chapter.
I liked the story of the game but the chapter 15 and 16 are too horrible
One of the best games I've ever played. I'm not someone to sit 6 hours playing a game but this one has changed it.
Good game, good story, not very long, gets a bit tedious at times when the sling is just too slow or dodging just does not save you from anything. I liked the accessibility of settings such as graphics they are easily and quickly changed during gameplay.
Pros: Great storytelling, Good visual, Very Polished Cons: Stealth is very basic
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