Valorant Player Reviews
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great game, but it will not work with windows 11. Terrible design flaw.
HI riot i love this game i just have one favor to ask, could it be possible to buy Valorant points and radianite through the epic games store
This is the worst experience i had with a game when trying to install and play the game.
Its like a virus once you have it you cant get rid of it and it takes up all your memory storege ect
terrible awefull game THE community sucks the moderators and people who run the game are greedy and discriminatory and only care about the money they make off this crappy game. they keep pushing overpriced bundles and skins and new maps and characters to sell more bundles and make more money
i was being threatened with my IP adress and with my life all i needed to do is simply log into my account and change my name but no, riots servers need to be broken and i cant do anything about it the game is aight but would be better
Great game, but the very fast kill time and no respawning make it a niche game for most. I like it much more than csgo as the game has more possibilities due to the abilities, making a more unique experience each game. But there are things that downsize the game,
Just wish I could play with my friends form the UK...The excuse of "It's because you will have high ping" kinda sucks. Should be our choice if we want to be at a disadvantage
you cant play it you have to out secure boot on which i have on and still not letting me play it is a waste of time even if it does let you play because i keep getting timed out for going afk WHEN IM TRYING TO FIX THE
Digga das würde so Spaß machen wenn die Teammates nicht solche bots wären
if you have a few free days to figure out the BIOS, then the game is good and I gave 1 star precisely because of this inconvenience, since I think not many people know what settings need to be changed in the BIOS, why can’t you make a game that
BIggest peice of doodie ive ever plAY EVERY MATCH MAKES ME WANT TO UNTISTALL
trash game, got banned for using crosshair x and exitlag, customer support made excuses saying it was a unintentional ban but its a permanent ban and cannot be removed . lol . i only played for 3 days for the first time .
Basura, instalé el juego y ahora me pide el arranque seguro que no lo puedo activar en mi pc, es decir, no puedo jugar. Actualicen su mierda de vanguard hijos de mil p***
Tengo mas de 150 horas y ahora con ese error no puedo volver a jugar.
Game itself is pretty good but the market is for streamers who can spend hundreds of dollars on a game and you can't even trade, so the price makes no sense. They make agents that go against the core concept of a fps game. (neon, iso) I can see this
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