Luftrausers Reviews

Luftrausers is ranked in the 86th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
80 / 100
Apr 4, 2014

When everything comes together, Luftrausers is a blast of skillful maneuvering; using the wobbly controls exactly to the point of swerving through bullets and taking down baddies in retaliation.

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Mar 16, 2016

A simple yet fun little game by the devs who brought us: Super Crate Box and Nuclear Throne.

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Mar 18, 2014

Vlambeer improves on one of its smaller, free releases with Luftrausers, expanding an excellent dogfighting game with a ton of customization and a great soundtrack. Short play sessions means it's the perfect game to play on the bus, between classes, or even during your boring meetings. Just don't scream out loud and pump your fist in the sky when you finally beat your high score. That's rude.