JKaiya For the King Review

Jan 16, 2025
Don't let the negative reviews scare you, this game is phenomenal, and a one of a kind. This game is EXTREMELY HARD and is also HEAVILY BASED on RNG. If you take any time to look at the negative reviews, especially on steam, you'll find that its almost everyone complaining about how hard the game was or how they died all died to one roll. However, there is always something you could've done or saved for to prevent that death, at least for the most part. This game has 7 base stats rolls are used on and a thing called focus, together with items, hp, gold, and lives. I won't deny that this game is so heavily based on rng that there could've been things to balance it, such as having a "karmic" type option where it'd have things of each class in the shop instead of getting unlucky periodically and getting nothing for all the people in your party. That isn't to say there aren't times when Rngesus has blessed you. The human mind just focuses more on the negative aspects of life as it stands out to you more. This game really boils down to one thing. Whether you have the patience and commitment. The game is so hard that the game literally tells you when you load in you will not beat this in the first try. You are also suppossed to start on the easiest difficulty that gives you buffs, EVEN AT THAT DIFFICULTY, the game is extremely hard!!! It too my friend group over 200 hours to beat all the maps on a difficulty a little harder than medium set by a custom (hard mode is literally impossible without heavy rng blessing). It was some of the most fun we ever had. That isn't to say there isn't things the game could've improved on. One such thing is that only the player on a shop for example can inspect the inventory, NO ONE ELSE can do so. This is especially more annoying on other consoles. Luckily on PC you can stream to your friends, which is still annoying though. Due to the timer that if you take too long makes the game harder and even may end your run completely, the players are forced to explore, level up, et cetera in a limited amount of time, where you need to balance risk/reward. There is a lot of micromanaging to beat the game, especially on JourneyMan (default) difficulty. There is also a severe lack of player balancing, you really need 3 players to beat this game on, and is meant to be played with. Lower players will result in "balanced" difficulties by having less enemy encounters as 2v2 vs 3v3 but this is all completely meaningless when all the important bosses become 2v3 as they dont possess dynamic difficulty. Despite what I said on your game can't end in one roll, this is in fact possible, traditionally the farther you get into the game. But this isn't to say you could've been equally as broken or even more so. That gold you wasted on to increase your armor by +1 everytime could've been instead used to buy an expensive rare weapon that appeared that potentially one shots everyone, things like that. The game has a bunch of things to say, too much I can write about, but whether solo or group play, this is tons of fun if you aren't the type of player that rages and quits easily