MurkWahlberg86 Cyberpunk 2077 Review

Jan 27, 2025
In my opinion the best action/RPG I've played, I enjoyed it more than The Witcher 3. The writing, characters, and storyline are serious, mature, and maintain serious gravitas with the occasional comedic moment. Its one of the most immersive games I've ever played, with an entire universe of anime shows, comics, novels, and sourcebooks to allow you to dive even deeper into Mike Pondsmith's dystopian near-future universe. Combat is incredibly satisfying and even the vehicle experience is excellent to the extent I never have felt the need to fast-travel despite the enormous map. A must-have for any sci-fi lovers or A RPG fans. If it wasn't for certain bugs it would be a nearly perfect game and the experience is even better in PC due to th incredible mods available.