EA reportedly rejected a fourth Dead Space game, according to Glen Schofield, the creator and director behind the original game. While the third and final installment in the sci-fi horror trilogy came out in 2013, some fans had hoped they'd get another entry after the release of the 2023 remake. Now it's unclear if that will ever happen, as EA turned Schofield down when he suggested a fourth Dead Space title.
Despite being a decade old, the Dead Space series has crept back into mainstream appeal recently. The 2023 remake of the one that started it all was received well by both critics and players. In mid-2024, Battlefield 2042 held a Dead Space crossover event to bring fans of both EA franchises together. A trend like this could justify a fourth mainline entry, but it seems fans won't be so lucky.
Instead of looking at the franchise's past releases or other AAA horror games, Dead Space 4 should draw inspiration from a 2022 indie title.
In an interview with video game YouTuber Dan Allen Gaming, Schofield revealed that he had pitched Dead Space 4 to EA alongside Christopher Stone and Bret Robbins — who also worked on the...