Upcoming Steam Game Has Serious LittleBigPlanet Vibes

Upcoming Steam Game Has Serious LittleBigPlanet Vibes

From Game Rant (Written by Charming Holiday) on | OpenCritic

Developer Trixel Creative has revealed the first official trailer for its upcoming 2.5D platformer Restitched, which features level editing gameplay reminiscent of the LittleBigPlanet franchise. While Restitched has been in development for some time, the adorable title has finally given fans an early look at gameplay ahead of its planned launch for PC via Steam.

The LittleBigPlanet video game series is beloved by platforming fans and aspiring game developers alike for its expansive level design mechanics that allow players to create their own 2.5D playable levels. A number of fans have been holding out hope for another major installment in the hit PlayStation franchise, and Restitched looks to serve as a spiritual successor for those looking forward to another exciting adventure with a stitched protagonist.

Platformers are a classic video game experience, and 2024 proves that these experiences will always be a key part of the industry.

Trixel Creative has released an official trailer for Restitched, which showcases an early Alpha build look at the title's platforming gameplay, level design, and character customization. Restitched is touted as "a passion-made project" that serves as a "love letter" to user-generated content in games like LittleBigPlanet, Mario Maker, Garry's Mod, and...

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