Developer Grumpyface Studios recently voiced how heartbreaking it was to see the games published under the Cartoon Network Games label be delisted across all platforms. Grumpyface Studios is best known for its collaboration with Adult Swim Games and Cartoon Network Games, releasing a variety of mobile titles based on shows that were aired on the network. Some of the shows that Grumpyface Studios worked with include Adventure Time and Regular Show, along with the Steven Universe: The Light Trilogy titles that were released on major consoles and PC.
Unfortunately, some Grumpyface Studios-developed games can no longer be bought legally. Earlier this December, at least six Cartoon Network-published games were delisted across various digital storefronts, including Steam and the Nintendo eShop. Throughout 2024, Warner Bros. Discovery, the parent company of Cartoon Network, has been shelving nearly completed projects and delisting original films from its streaming services to cut costs, which has affected video games too. Of the games that have been delisted from sale, Grumpyface Studios' Steven Universe: Save the Light and Steven Universe: Unleash the Light were among them. The studio recently put out a statement to clarify how it's been affected by the recent delistings.
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