One Animal Crossing: New Horizons player makes an astute observation when realizing their spider crab can be placed un-caged, while the other crabs sit in tanks to watch. As a deep sea creature that can be caught through diving, players can snag this one for their museums between the times of 4 am and 9 pm. With the largest shadow in the game, players are likely to spot this one from afar and know exactly what creature it is, but finally cornering it down is the tricky part.
When placing their newest prized catch, the Reddit user Fair-Salamander9069 came to realize that their spider crab didn't quite fit in with their other catches. Standing tall as more of a large figure of an animal, this crab remains stationary but free from any cage or tank. However, the other crabs don't get the same treatment, watching from behind in their enclosures while the user asks: "Why’s the spider crab allowed to roam free?"
Most animals in Animal Crossing: New Horizons aren't proudly out on display, often kept in crates, tanks, buckets, or other display cases while the creatures move about inside. The spider crab, however, proves to be...