Overwatch 2 Makes Big Change to Loot Box Drops

Overwatch 2 Makes Big Change to Loot Box Drops

From Game Rant (Written by Eric Law) on | OpenCritic

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A recent Overwatch 2 hotfix changed all Epic Souvenirs to be of Rare quality, ensuring that the cosmetic no longer appears in Loot Boxes that give guaranteed high-rarity items. This small adjustment makes sure Overwatch 2 fans always get exciting items like skins, victory poses, emotes, weapon charms, or highlight intros when receiving Epic rewards from Loot Boxes.

Season 15 brought some massive changes to Overwatch 2, including the playstyle-altering Perks leveling system. However, one of the most exciting parts of the update was the return of Loot Boxes – the lottery-like rewards system that was removed at the end of the original Overwatch.

Overwatch 2 Season 15 has arrived after much anticipation, and for Reaper mains, the new Perks system has highlighted two enticing playstyles.

A week after Loot Boxes made their triumphant return, Overwatch 2 made a small change that has had a massive impact on rare Loot Box drops. Though not detailed in any patch notes, a hotfix on February 25 adjusted all Souvenirs to be of Rare quality – including the much-memed Epic Winton Souvenir from Overwatch 2. This change was ostensibly made to ensure Souvenirs would no longer appear as Epic drops from...

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