"It’s So Annoying": Monster Hunter Wilds Fans Are Tired Of Losing Control During Lengthy Cutscenes

"It’s So Annoying": Monster Hunter Wilds Fans Are Tired Of Losing Control During Lengthy Cutscenes

From Screen Rant (Written by Samantha Giambra-Plaisance) on | OpenCritic

Games discussed:

Fans of Monster Hunter Wilds are getting a bit upset with the hand-holding that seems to happen throughout the entire game. Monster Hunter Wilds has been out for a few days now, and though it has gained massive traction, it has also been a rough road for the developers already. With bugs, crashes, and issues hindering story progression, fans are already upset with the state of the game.

A Reddit post from Next_Novel_7126 brings a new issue to light: certain cutscenes cause players to lose control over the game entirely and last a long time. While the cutscenes within Wilds are fun and immersive, some of them do end up feeling never-ending, according to fans. Not to mention that sometimes, you lose complete control over your character, meaning you can't jump, attack, or move.

While this might be helpful for new players or at the beginning of the game as players get a grasp on things, it seems that this happens throughout the title --- not just during tutorials.

The Reddit thread garnered a bit of attention, with some commenters mentioning that you can break away from the story and do your own thing. Others agree...

See full article at Screen Rant