Mojang has announced that Minecraft Live 2025 will occur on March 22 at 1:00 P.M. Eastern Time and be livestreamed to an online audience. The first Minecraft Live occurred in 2020, and 2025 will feature the fifth installment of the popular Minecraft event.
Before the inaugural Minecraft Live, an annual event called Minecon brought fans together for a social experience revolving around the game. Since it was renamed, Minecraft Live has gone beyond this to feature updates on the future of the game, host the first-ever mob vote, and announce spin-off titles like Minecraft Dungeons and Minecraft Legends. The fully virtual format of the show allows Mojang to tailor the experience for fans without deviating too far from Minecraft developer updates that the community is accustomed to. Mojang has confirmed the next Minecraft Live, and it's taking place later this month.
Fans of Minecraft band together to request that long-missing world generation features that made custom worlds possible make a return to the game.
Mojang recently shared a video revealing the date and time for Minecraft Live 2025. The developer confirmed that Minecraft Live will occur on March 22 at 1:00 P.M. Eastern Time, and the video...