Infinity Nikki Leak Reveals Upcoming Eurekas

Infinity Nikki Leak Reveals Upcoming Eurekas

From Game Rant (Written by Christine Miller) on | OpenCritic

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A recent Infinity Nikki leak has revealed the next set of Eurekas, likely scheduled to make their debut in the upcoming update. While clothes and accessories make up the majority of an outfit score in Infinity Nikki, Eurekas help give players that extra push in Styling Challenges. Each Eureka has a tag and a main attribute, and from a visual standpoint, sometimes even corresponds to an existing outfit. For example, the Dream Waltz set fits Fairytale Swan, while Afterglow was clearly made with Wishful Aurosa in mind.

Eurekas in Infinity Nikki can be gathered from dungeons, which come in three difficulties, and are initiated by interacting with a waypoint in the game. 5-Star Eurekas come in a set of five colors when fully upgraded, with Iridescent being significantly harder to obtain. While dungeons are unlocked by progressing through the main story in Infinity Nikki, not every dungeon has been featured in the Realm of Eureka just yet.

Help Karloz retrieve missing pages from the book she's studying in The Secrets At Twelve quest in Infinity Nikki.

As discovered by pantipera, the new 5-Star Eureka will have a purple baseline version, with recolors of green, yellow, and blue. The Iridescent...

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