Dead by Daylight August Developer Update – Knight’s Guard Cooldown Bug Now a Feature

Dead by Daylight August Developer Update – Knight’s Guard Cooldown Bug Now a Feature

From EIP Gaming (Written by DanielD) on | OpenCritic

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Today’s update from the Dead by Daylight developers over at BHVR is all about the changes between the Public Test Beta build and the planned live version of patch 8.2.0. The patch naturally focuses on the upcoming Castlevania characters, but includes plenty of other interesting updates to a few killers. As always, the devs seem to have taken PTB feedback to heart, including a very interesting new addition to The Knight‘s kit that was inspired by a bug from the PTB.

In the PTB, it was possible to spawn a different Knight guard while another was deployed due to a bug where the different guards had separate cooldowns. This ended up encouraging players to use the correct guard for each situation, and so BHVR has implemented it again, this time on purpose. You’ll still only be able to have one guard out at a time, but you’ll now be able to hit a patrolling guard with a basic attack to reduce its cooldown to 10 seconds, and each guard has a different cooldown.

Most of the other changes focus on making The Dark Lord and Nemesis feel better to use, plus a few minor changes to a couple of the...

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